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Mid-autumn Day is a Chinese festival. It usually comes in September or October .On that day we usually eat a big dinner and mooncakes. It is said "Hou Yi" missed his wife,so he made mooncakes. It looks like the moon.

There are many kinds of mooncakes. They are small round cakes with meat, nuts or something sweet inside . eating mooncakes has been our custom. Families stay outside in the open air eat a big dinner and mooncakes. The most important thing is looking at the moon, On that day, the moon kooks brighter and rounder. We call this moon the full moon.

On that day, families get together, so we call this day getting together. This is Mid-autumn Day. I love it very much. Because on that day I can eat mooncakes. And my brother comes back home. He works outside all year. Only that day and the Spring Festival. He comes back. So that day I am especially happy. On that day my family gets together.


At present, the National development and Reform commission conducted a massive online poll. The May Day Golden Week will be cut from three days to one day.

Different people have different opinions. Some think that it is necessary to cut the May Day Golden Week. Although our holiday is shorter, we add three traditional holidays to make our traditional culture understood. Secondly, the shortened May Day can reduce the pressure of holiday resorts, and lead to less pollution and fewer accidents as well. Besides, there can be more chances for people to get together with their family.

While others don’t think so. There is no doubt that the traffic will be heavier if the measure is taken. And people working far feom their hometowns will have few chances to go back. To make matters worse, people’s holiday with salary can’t be guaranteed.

In my opinion, cutting the May Day Golden may be a good beginning to remind the youth of our history and culture. Only by understanding our culture better do we love our country more.


The Moon Festival or Mid-autumn Festival is one of the three major traditional festivals celebrated by Chinese people. Like harvest time in other countries, the Mid-autumn Festival actually began as a thanksgiving celebration, honoring the Soil God and the Crop God. This is also a time for family reunions.

Chinese people enjoy moon cakes during this feast just as they eat rice dumplings for the Dragon Boat Festival. It is quite appropriate to bring moon cakes with you in token of festival greetings when calling on people during this season.


At present, the National development and Reform commission conducted a massive online poll. The May Day Golden Week will be cut from three days to one day.

I think it is a wise decision. I’m for it because it will have a good influence on the society.Although the May Day Golden Week has been cut, three traditional festivals have become national holiday, which will promote the understanding of the traditional culture. As is known to all, nowadays teeagers are crazy about other countries’ festivals rather than ours. So it is necessary to change their ideas and develop our rich traditional culture.What’s more, the new regulation also help reduce heavy pressure of the places of interest.Meanwhile, it will produce more chances for people to get together, sharing their happiness.

Altogether,it will help us achieve the goal of harmony society. We are looking forward to it.


Three attributes can help people in their studies. First, a sense of responsibility is important for building a sound character. If you aren't responsible, you'll postpone your assignments or devote too little time to your schoolwork.

Second, in school life, relationships between people are valuable. Friends can bring you happiness and laughter. In addition, you can discuss problems and pursue knowledge with them.

Last, it is important to have a constructive philosophy of life. If you are defeated, don't be disappointed. Try to face your life and your studies with courage and determination.

If you can work toward these goals, you'll become a well-rounded and versatile student instead of being a bookworm.


I began to practice English writing a year ago. Though I’m very glad to say that I have made some progress, I still have a long way to go. Some pen friends and my classmates asked me how I improved my writing. Here I’d like to tell my story.

When I began to learn writing last term, I made many mistakes in grammar and also in idioms. I often thought in Chinese and just translated what I had in mind into English. My English teacher, Mr. Sun, helped me. He pointed out my mistakes and told me that I should try to think in English, not in Chinese, pay attention to English grammar and idioms, and use simple sentences whenever I can. I did as he said. When I finished writing, I read it very carefully and checked it up. As soon as I found out mistakes, I corrected them at once. I have kept on doing this and found I am making fewer mistakes than before. My teacher says I have improved a lot and he encourages me to continue practicing. No pains, no gains. Through nearly a year of practice, my writing has improved. I’m very lucky that two of my short English articles have been carried in the newspapers. I have become even more interested in writing. I’m an ordinary girl and I’m not very clever. But I know it is very important to keep on practicing. Practice makes perfect. So I think three things are important in learning writing: first, we must be sure of ourselves; second, we sh ould pay attention to English grammar and idioms; third, we must keep on practicing and be more careful in writing. Do you think so?










