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句子1:It seems that the viewer can sense the artists’ vision in paintings, even if they can’t explain why.


A mostly favour works of art which they know well.

Bhold fixed ideas about what makes a good work of art.

Care often misled by their initial expectations of a work of art.

Dhave the ability to perceive the intention behind works of art.





题目:Angelina Hawley-Dolan’s findings indicate that people

A mostly favour works of art which they know well.

Bhold fixed ideas about what makes a good work of art.

Care often misled by their initial expectations of a work of art.

Dhave the ability to perceive the intention behind works of art.

原文出题点:Angelina Hawley-Dolan, of Boston College, Massachusettes, responded to this debate by asking volunteers to view pairs of paintings - either the creations of famous abstract artists or the doodles of infants, chimps and elephant. They then had to judge which they preferred. A third of the paintings were given no captions, while many were labelled incorrectly-volunteers might think they were viewing a chimp’s messy brushstrokes when they were actually seeing an acclaimed masterpiece. In each set of trials, volunteers generally preferred the work of renowned artists, even when they believed it was by an animal or a child. It seems that the viewer can sense the artist’s vision in paintings, even if they can’t explain why.

出题模式一,其实就是雅思选择题的本质所在。出题模式二是正常的雅思考试的出题模式,配上抽象的主题和很多看似简单又读不懂的无关信息,以此来加大考试的难度,这就是雅思考官出题的套路。出题模式一和二一对比,大家就明白了,其实选择题,真正的难点在于:同学们往往不能准确定位出考官的出题点到底是哪一句子。烤鸭们一般可以大概定位到题目出题“面”--- 段落,但是,却不能准确定位“点”--出题的句子。所以,很多同学常常有需要读一整段或是两个段落来解一个选择题的错觉。





1.考查实验相关的题目,一般重点都是考实验的结果,重点直接去文中快速锁定实验的结果,一般表结果的关键词是:findings, ...found that..., It seems that..., it would seem that....

正常来说:当讲到某个实验的时候,文中的行文顺序:WHY该实验的背景/目的--HOW该实验如何进行--WHAT实验对象在实验做了什么或是如何表现的---Results/Findings。所以,当提到某个实验时,一般会有2-3句来讲实验的why, how和what,结果往往放在最后。解题时,直接快速跳到实验后边去看实验的结果。

如上题所示:题目问Angelina Hawley-Dolan’s findings indicate...(他的实验结果表明....), 文中,段落前几句描述的都是跟实验相关的内容,到最后一句It seems that..., 才是结果。考生们在做题前,如果能够非常清晰的了解这个特点的话,就可以高效准确的解题了。




3.如果题目提问中出现段落的,如果是问段落大意,就看段落主题句,快速把握段落主旨。出现段落,但不问主旨的,一定要先定好段落中具体细节,再解题。如: According to the eighth paragraph, how was the geography of the region significant? 题目中提到第8段,但是不能看一整个段落解题,还要定位到关键词geography 所在的句子,理解后再做题。


1. 没有良好的阅读习惯




每天坚持泛读一篇完整的,1000字左右的英文材料,BBC news就是个不错的选择。

2. 英语语言基础薄弱




3. 短时记忆力差





4. 患有注意力缺失症




5. 对雅思阅读考试不了解




6. 瞎





ON a stage decorated with tinsel(金箔) and fairy lights, Liu Changsheng is singing “The East is Red” into a microphone, wearing a yellow and grey tracksuit(运动套装). For Mr Liu, the Maoist anthem(赞美诗;颂歌) of the 1960s may arouse memories more vivid than those he has of his immediate past. Now in his seventies, he has dementia(痴呆症), an incurable brain disease that is often revealed by a loss of short-term memory(短时记忆). For two years Mr Liu has lived at the Qianhe Nursing Home in northern Beijing in a facility for around 75 dementia patients. They are among the few sufferers of this condition in China who receive specialist care.

Dementia has mostly been a rich-world sickness, because it becomes more common as people live longer. China is fast catching up. Life expectancy(期待寿命) increased from 45 in 1960 to 77 now, and the population is ageing rapidly: one person in six is over 60 now; by 2025 nearly one in four will be. Factors that increase the (age-adjusted) risk of developing dementia are also on the rise, including obesity(肥胖症), smoking, lack of exercise and diabetes(糖尿病).

Already about 9 m people in China have some form of dementia. In absolute terms, that is more than twice as many as in America.(从绝对数看,这个数字是美国的两倍以上。) It is also more than double the number in India, a country with a population similar in size to China’s but a much younger one. Nearly two-thirds of China’s sufferers have the form known as Alzheimer’s(老年痴呆症), cases of which have tripled since 1990. The number of Alzheimer’s patients may increase another fourfold between now and 2050.

China’s government is woefully(不幸地) unprepared for this crisis, with a severe lack of health-care provision for sufferers. So too is the public. Despite recent public-information campaigns, many Chinese regard dementia as a natural part of ageing, not as a disease, and do not know that it is fatal. Others see it as a psychological ailment(疾病) rather than a degeneration of the brain itself. It carries a stigma(污名) of mental illness, making sufferers and their relatives reluctant to seek help. This compounds(使......严重化) the suffering caused by dementia: active management can sometimes slow its progress.

Even at the Qianhe Nursing Home, where Mr Liu lives, some aspects of the care appear crude(初级的;原始的). A shared “activity” space for dementia sufferers has no games or toys to entertain them; relatives are discouraged from visiting more than once a week for fear of “disturbing” their kin (in the West, care homes encourage visits, which can be stimulating and provide a sense of warmth and familiarity). Some dementia patients end up in psychiatric wards, which cannot deal effectively with their specific requirements. There is an acute shortage of medical workers qualified to treat sufferers(合格的医护工作人员严重缺乏来治疗患者。). One reason is that few are attracted to the work. Zhang Xiurong, 50, a care assistant at Qianhe, is paid less than 3,000 yuan ($450) a month, close to the average national migrant wage, to provide all patients’ basic needs 12 hours a day, with only four days off a month. “No Chinese parent wants their one daughter to work in a hospital cleaning bedpans,” says Michael Phillips of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine.

In the West most patients go to a care home for the final brutal stages of the disease, which can last more than a year. In China families carry most of the burden from beginning to end. The government has long underinvested in social care, assuming that adult children will take responsibility(在社会照护方面,政府长期投入不足,认为应该由长大的孩子来负责。). But this is unsustainable. Plunging birth rates since the 1970s, exacerbated(使加重;使恶化) by a one-child-per-couple policy, mean that the number of working-age adults per person over 65 will fall by 2050 from ten to 2.5. Migration into cities (see article) is leaving some elderly people in the countryside without family members to care for them.

Need for new thinking

The government has been slow to recognise the scale of the problem. It funds some dementia research, but the money goes to scientists looking for a cure, rather than to those trying to find ways of alleviating(减轻) the suffering of patients who have no chance of one. (政府资助了一些痴呆症研究,但是拥有经费的科学家们寻找的是治疗方案,而不是致力于找到办法来减轻那些根本没治的病人的痛苦。)“People don’t get Nobel prizes or grants for developing a strategy for community care,” says Dr Phillips.

In any country care can be expensive, both for families and governments. In China the government will find itself having to spend much more as relatives prove unequal to the task. Because family members rarely understand the condition, more than 90% of dementia cases go undetected(没被发现的), according to a study led by Ruoling Chen of King’s College in London. Sufferers will benefit when the government at last realises it has to step in.


anthem 赞美诗;颂歌

dementia 痴呆症

short-term memory 短时记忆

life expectancy 期待寿命

obesity 肥胖症

diabetes 糖尿病

woefully 不幸地

ailment 疾病

stigma 污名

compound 使......复杂化;化合物

crude 原始的;粗鲁的

exacerbate 使......恶化

alleviate 减轻

undetected 未被发现的


1. No compound that would safely achieve the same feat in people has been found yet, but the search has beeninformative and has fanned hope that caloric-restriction (CR) mimetics can indeed be developed eventually.(剑6T3P3)


2. Could such a‘caloric-restriction mimetic’, as we call it, enable people to stay healthy longer, postponing age-related disorders (such as diabetes, arteriosclerosis, heart disease and cancer) until very late in life? (剑6T3P3)


