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雅思听力猜词技巧, 单词不懂可以猜!今天小编给大家带来了雅思听力猜词技巧 ,希望可以帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。




如下录音“The water and the availability of raw materials in the area, like minerals and iron ore…”这是一段关于Riverside Industrial Village所拥有自然资源的介绍,句子结构非常清晰。很多考生在听到”minerals and iron ore”的时候,不禁眉头一皱,根本不知道”minerals and iron ore”这些陌生词汇为何物,从而做题效率以及心情大打折扣。

其实,利用好这个句子中的关系词,”minerals and iron ore”这一串看似陌生的单词的意思是可以很容易地猜出来的。下面我们一起来找一下这个句子中的关系词,其中非常明显的在听录音时也很容易听出来的一个举例关系词便是like这个举例关系词了。这个句子前面出现的一个重要单词raw materials是原材料的意思,根据举例关系,可以猜测出”minerals and iron ore”的意思范围为举例给出的两种原材料,猜测的意思与这两个词的真正意思也相距不远了,从而有利于对整段录音意思的理解以及判断该信息是否为解题关键。

在雅思听力考试中,常见的关系词分为以下几类:并列关系词(and, or, also, as well (as), too, in addition to, besides, both, either…or…, neither…nor…);因果关系词(because, since, as, due to… caused by… given… as a result (of…) ,therefore 、so 、for this reason consequently、 thus)、举例关系词(for example, for instance, such as, like, including, to name just a few, to illustrate)、转折对比关系词(but, however, yet, while, whereas, nevertheless, instead, on the other hand, by/in contrast, on the contrary)。希望同学们认真记忆以上关系词,做到听到录音时能迅速反应,从而在遇到陌生词汇的时候能够积极利用句子中的关系词猜测出其意思,化难为简。



由于英语隶属于日耳曼语系,跟我们的母语汉语有着天壤之别,很多英语单词都是怎么读就怎么写,是可以根据它的读音直接拼写出来的。比如这道题:Recycling saves energy and reduces emissions from landfill sites and_____________. 这是一道句子填空题,在划出关键词后听音时答案非常好定位,即就在录音里landfill sites and后面念的incineration plants这个名词便是正确答案,incineration这个词属于非常高级生僻的单词,对很多即使水平很好词汇量比较大的同学来说,都是一个陌生的词汇。这个时候,其实我们不必恐慌,因为这个英文单词的发音是非常有规律的,我们只需积极利用常见字母(组合)发音规律猜词,便可以顺利把这个答案词汇拼出来,得到宝贵的一个空的分数。


/ ee / i: / oo / u: / ou / a /

/ oa /ch / t∫/ sh /∫/

/ ph / f / th / θ / oy / i /



相信做过“剑8”的同学肯定对一篇主题叫做Honey Bees in Australia的选择题印象很深刻吧,很多学生都觉得这篇听力非常难。难的原因就是题目及录音中出现了很多很陌生的生词。比如说有这样一道题, 录音中的解题关键录音是这样念的:“they are infested with mites”, 这句话中的 infest 和mite 都是生词,很多学生感到一片茫然,但其实有耐心地听下去,会听到后面有这样的一段解释性的描述 “microscopic creatures which live on them”, 这段解释性的描述显然要简单很多,我们可以将它直接与22题B选项中的carry parasites 相对应,从而选出正确的答案。因此,结合上下文根据逻辑常识猜词,也不失为一种猜词的好方法。



雅思听力小范围预测:Section One

Section One



题型填空 10

内容概述妇女新手咨询Scuba diving 课程

1. 一女的要报游泳班

男的劝她先上level of the beginning basic - or for beginners.

2. the month on July

3. on a Saturday

4. Initially, they will have indoor training.

5. 等学员学完课程,they will diving in a lake at a mountain.

6. Equipment : only need to buy diving mask.(学员什么都不用买,学校准备好了,

不过那个女人觉得用自己 的 mask)

雅思听力小范围预测:Section Two

Section Two

场次20151107A 20100821


题型地图 5 填空 5


地图 5

1.花费:1 million 2.目的:develop tourism 3.朝向:southeast 4.命名:lawyer 命名的 5.用时:7


配对 5

6. Information center: photography

7. refreshment

8. souvenir



visitor centre

雅思听力小范围预测:Section Three

Section Three

场次20161013 20110606 20091010 2008

题型填空 4 多选 6

内容概述两个学生讨论关于选修课程的事,会计和日语,一个 accounting course, 一个是 Japanese

多选 5

1-3. 女孩选择这门课程的原因是: important for the future job optional for the degree

visit off the campus

4-5. the des cription about the course: broad focus challenging content

填空 5

6. Lectures

7. Enjoy learning vocabulary

8. But it is difficult of grammar and

9. Writing

10. The teacher sometime ...that is strict/unapproachable

雅思听力大范围预测:Section One

Section 1




1. 人数:80

2. date and day: Friday, 26 September

3. 要的房型:king room

4. prefered taste of cake: lemon

5. 蛋糕上写:congratulations

6. 餐食方式:table

7. 背景音乐:jazz

8. Master Card digital no.: 54412008887

9. name in the card: middle name Sebastian

10. extra fee for: service

Section 1

场景:航空公司的投诉:kiwi air ticket complaint



1. name: Quigley

2. ordered 4 return tickets

3. departure time: 11:45

4. two problems of the…

- miscalculated the children’s rate as an adult

- just flip put a box of error

5. one adult can bring 2 kids at most allowed

6. free ticket for kid whose age: under 12 years old

7. children have less food

8. what if the huge family and school group will do 暂缺

9. letter will be sent to the manager

10. reference number: JBK8422

Section 1

场景:车库物品售卖:garage sale



1. date must be a holiday

2. go to information-desk for a permit

3. arrangement should be casual

4. look at a list of dangerous items

5. pay attention to glass objects

6. put advertisement in neighborhood store

7. keep them simple to read

8. people always want a bargain

9. in every corner near the house

10. after, unsold items-donate to a charity

Section 1

场景:房车租用旅行:car hire service



1. deposit £460

2. No charge for an extra driver

3. is ok with an international driving license

4. only have manual gear

5. customers’ pets are allowed

6. kitchen facilities including a fridge

7. a television added

8. provide a bicycle rack

9. you can hire a generator

10. station to get your van: Grateley

Section 1

场景:房子租赁:Rental property application form



1. phone number: 614381197

2. email address: Susansmith@post.com

3. occupation: a chemist

4. a house with a garden

5. an apartment with a big balcony

6. furnishings: a fridge is required

7. maximum rent: $400 per week

8. location: near the beach

9. other requirements: must have parking nearby

10. electricity included in the rent

Section 1

场景:澳洲旅游:A woman consults visiting somewhere of holiday



1-4)Information filling

1. surname: Thore (有可能是Thorn)

2. length: 5 days

3. station near: Gold (en) coast

4. accommodation: apartment (first there is apartment, then motel)

5-7)choose a correct letter A, B or C

5. the near view photo taken of the:

A. Kangaroo

B. Crocodile

C. Koala

6. where does the boy like to go in amusement park:

A. water park

B. dream park

7. The room is near: shopping center

8-10)multiple choice

facilities needed:

8. playroom

9. laundry

10. cleaning aid kit

Section 1

场景:澳洲旅游:A woman consults visiting somewhere of holiday



1-10)Completions: one word only

1. Address No. 14, Ocean Drive

Hotel room with

-good view and 2. there is a balcony for each room

3. gym facilities for adults only

4. room price: $ 155

5. exercise path nearby

6. ferry goes to the islands

7. alarm for fire

8. dinner dish must have: meat, benefit included the price for Delux room.

9. free unlimited usage for internet

contact ways:

10. telephone: work number 52431





雅思听力猜词技巧, 单词不懂可以猜!今天小编给大家带来了雅思听力猜词技巧 ,希望可以帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思听力猜词技巧一、利用句子中的关系词猜