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2019年1月5日雅思大作文真题范文 心态和体格哪个对于体育更重要

2019年1月5日的雅思写作考试已经结束,为大家带来本场雅思大作文写作真题:心态和体格,哪个对于体育更重要Some people think the fittest and strongest individual help achieve success in sport. Some people believe success is much related to mental attitude. Discuss both of the view and your own opinion.


类型 体育类


Some people think the fittest and strongest individual help achieve success in sport. Some people believe success is much related to mental attitude.

Discuss both of the view and your own opinion.




文章结构 P1:




P4:表明自己的观点 身体素质是前提,心理素质更关键。


waned 消逝的

perseverance 坚持不懈

physical attribute 身体素质

in terms of 在...方面

abundant and adequate 充足大量的

earnest and hard 认真艰苦的

emotional intelligence 情商

top tier teams 顶级球队

distinguished from 表现突出

determinant 决定性的


opinions differ over whether 宾语从句

which is generally known as 解释论证

based on the fact that 同位语从句

what really sets apart the top winners is 主语从句

This can be exemplified 举例论证

Only through 主句需倒装


Human’s enthusiasm to sports and races has never waned, which demonstrates people’s perseverance, struggle, unity and cooperation. However, opinions differ over whether physical strength or mental attitude is of more significance in sports accomplishment. In this essay, both factors will be analyzed and my personal perspective will be presented.


On the one hand, some people opine that success primarily hinges on powerful physical attribute. In fact, in many countries, professional athletes are selected by particular criteria in terms of power, flexibility, strength and so on. In addition to that, they need abundant and adequate power to finish the competition successfully. All champions win the golden medals through earnest and hard physical training, based on the fact that persistent training can promote athletes’ skills such as diving, resilience or else to achieve excellent performance.


On the other hand, others argue that it is easy and appropriate to attribute achievement to the talent factor and physical fitness, yet many of the sportsmen have these, so what really sets apart the top winners is their ability to manage their emotions. Emotional intelligence, which is generally known as the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups. This can be exemplified by 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia which attracted the top tier teams with the best players from around the world. The champion France National Men's football team distinguished from the rest by mental status of its members who could motivate each other to unite and work towards a single objective.


I personally believe that physical strength is a premise to become successful sportsmen, which ensures a good performance but psychological quality, always plays a more determinant role especially in some international games like the Olympic Games where one represents a nation and shoulders tremendous pressure. Only through the intelligent use of balanced emotions combined with the physical talent, can success be attained.


2019年1月5日雅思大作文写作7分范文 身体素质和心理素质,谁才是体育的关键

2019年1月5日的雅思写作考试已经结束,为大家带来本场雅思大作文写作真题:身体素质和心理素质,谁才是体育的关键Some people think the fittest and strongest individual help achieve success in sport. Some people believe success is much related to mental attitude. Discuss both of the view and your own opinion.范文来自网络:


To achieve the greatest success in sports, first it requires physical ability. However, strength and fitness being equal, it is ultimately the right mental attitude that makes a big difference. Speaking of individual or team competition in sports, stories about champions are invariably related to an extraordinary interplay of the physical strength and the mental attitude.



(1) 开头段直接提出自己的观点:体育比赛中,身体和态度都很重要。

(2) to achieve success 取得成功

(3) ultimately 最终地

(4) make a big (huge) difference 决定胜负;决定成败;制造一个巨大的差异

(5) invariably 总是

(6) interplay 相互作用


The fittest and strongest individuals and teams have the most competitive edge to win. Certainly, the physical factors are key to victory in any sport event. For example, in the sports that demand extreme physical ability, such as weight-lifting and marathon, usually the fittest and strongest individuals are most likely to triumph. The same is also true to team sports like football and basketball. The winning team is always made up of players who have better physical conditions. So improving physical strength is undoubtedly the first thing that individuals and teams must do if they want to succeed in sports.




(2)competitive edge 竞争优势

(3)triumph 获胜

(4)to be made up of 由......组成


That said, the other half of the success story in sports is closely associated with the right mental attitude. Most successful athletes feel that their greatest asset is their mental ability along with their physical ability, rather than their physical ability alone. People with the right mental attitude understand that they will never give up even when they have lost a game, and that they will make a comeback as long as they do not quit. So If individuals and teams believe in the right mental attitude, then nothing can stop them from achieving the success.




(2)that said 话虽如此;尽管如此

(3)asset 财富

(4)alone 仅仅

(5)make a comeback 东山再起


To sum up, in individual or team competitions, the body achieves what the mind believes. The two things are not mutually exclusive as both are needed to make the greatest success happen.




(2)mutually exclusive 相互排斥

(3)make...happen 使......发生;实现


1. However, strength and fitness being equal, it is ultimately the right mental attitude that makes a big difference.


2. For example, in the sports that demand extreme physical ability, such as weight-lifting and marathon, usually the fittest and strongest individuals are most likely to triumph.


3. People with the right mental attitude understand that they will never give up even when they have lost a game, and that they will make a comeback as long as they do not quit.


4. Physical strength and mental attitude are not mutually exclusive as both are needed to make the greatest success happen.



2019年1月5日场的雅思写作考试已经结束,本期的雅思大作文话题是体育更需要体魄还是心理素质?原题是:Some people argue that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams can achieve the greatest success in sports. But other people think the success is much related to the mental attitude. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


There is a common belief that players who achieve a perfect physique level would have better performance in sports competition, while others believe that strong-minded perseverance is the determinate factor. In my opinion, though fitness level is important, the most essential element should be mental attitude.


Being physically strong is crucial for a sport player. Many studies have shown that having a perfect physique level means that one can exert better power of explosive strength and endurance, and these attributes are required by many sports activities such as basketball and rugby. In addition, showing a quicker judgement is another ability exerted by those players, and this means that they may come up with efficient strategies and are capable of finding holes in the opposing defense.


There is no denying a fact that being mentally strong is also important in competitions. The most inspiring fact about the Paralympics is to convey to people that those who are physically disabled can also achieve greater success with the help of specialized trainings. In addition, perseverance means that a player is willing to contribute and control their emotions regardless of the pressure imposed by their opponents. These abilities ensure that a player is clear-minded and can make the right judgement, while refrain from irrational behavior towards opponent and referee. Also, being a clear-minded player ensures the flow of cooperation in team work, to some extent reducing mental pressure of the teammates while providing better strategies.


In conclusion, a person with a superior fitness level may achieve a greater success in competitions, but one cannot make an achievement without the ability to endure mental stress and the willingness to make an effort in teams.


2019年1月5曰雅思A类大作文高分范文 心理因素和身体因素哪一个对于体育的成功更重要

2019年1月5日的雅思大作文话题有关社会文化,题目是心理因素和身体因素,哪一个对于体育的成功更重要?In many countries women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first months after the birth of their baby. Do advantages outweigh its disadvantages?本期范文来自雅思哥。


The relative importance of physique level and mental status is a frequent topic of discussion when people try to determine the possibility of achieving success in sports. personally, I that believe both of these two factors are of great importance for any athletes.


Obviously, modern sports system is based on the foundation that all the participants should have basic capability, that people without related skills can never face the challenges. So from our own sports experience, we can find plenty of evidence to support the view that a good physical condition is necessary for succeeding in sports. After all, no one would expect an overweighed individual to win a Marathon, unless he or she is against his fallows.


However, to admit the importance of having a good body does not naturally mean a good mental status is not as important. Actually, we can see many not-so-successful athletes are with impeccable fitness and strength—it is the ability of communication, cooperation, and facing difficulties that separates those extraordinaries from the public. In other words, the greatest athletes are supported by the entire team, which never only comes from a perfect body.


I personally think that physical conditions do value considerably in pursuing success in the sport fields. Such factors can give people advantages in play: to run faster, to jump higher, sometimes even to go against physical laws. But, as many other things, physical conditions and mental status are not mutually exclusive. The value of the greatest athletes who can bring victory in critical situations shines when he or she is able to inspire, to stimulate, and to encourage the whole team, as history has shown repetitively.


In conclusion, I agree that good shape of body is the foundation of succeeding in sports, but to secure that victory, mental strength is required.











