
若水1147 分享 时间:




Items made by hand or items made by machine, which do you prefer?

Some items (such as clothes or furniture) can be made by hand or by machine. Which do you prefer — items made by hand or items made by machine? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your choice.


这道题还是比较具体的。不过选择比较自由,无论选哪一种都行,只要列出几个好的理由。(注意,如果说家具的话也有很多种,根据不同的种类,也可以有不同的偏好) 手工:可以按照特定要求制作,有特色,但缺点是成本往往会比较高。机械:一般批量生产,所以相对缺乏特色,但同时成本较低,更容易获得。


There are a wide variety of products, such as clothes or furniture, which can be made either by hand or by machine. Both of these methods of manufacturing products have their advantages, and both hold an important place in society. To decide which is best, one should compare the advantages of each method. There are many advantages of making products with the aid of machines. First, machine-made products tend to be cheaper than their handcrafted counterparts. As machines are very steady and do the exact same thing every time they recreate a product, these type of products tend to have consistent quality. Frequently, handmade products have extremes in their product quality; it can either be extremely good or extremely poor. Finally, machine-made products have the advantage of being able to use some finishes and materials that cannot be used when creating something by hand. These include some types of steel, laminates, and enamel finishes. There are also many advantages of buying handcrafted products. When people purchase handcrafted products, they are supporting the arts and crafts communities.

Buying these types of products keeps many people employed, as it takes much more time to create an object by hand. Handcrafted objects tend to have much more diversity, as it is almost impossible to create an exact duplicate of an object if you are making it by hand. Overall, I think that there are advantages of using both machine-made products and hand-made products. I think that if one can afford to buy high quality handmade clothing and furniture, that would be the best situation. These types of products tend to last much longer than their machine-made counterparts, and one can be satisfied knowing that they are supporting an artist. However, if one cannot afford to buy high quality handmade products, it is probably better to buy things that are machine-made. Machine-made products tend to be of higher quality than poorly made handcrafted products.



Do advertisements promote things we do not need or products that may improve our lives?

Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things we really do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


倾向于同意后者广告的好处:介绍新产品;降低报纸、杂志、电视节目的价格。广告的不良影响(可大多情况下,那不是广告的错,而是制作者的责任,这些可以通过法制解决) 结论是,广告有很多好处,也有一些不足,可是没有广告却是不可以的。


Over the last twenty years the amount of adverting we are subjected to in our daily lives has increased dramatically. It has got to the point where one can hardly turn his/her head without seeing a wide array of media images. I tend to agree the fact that advertisements more often than not persuade us into buying things that we do not need. Often it is difficult to discern what a product is from an advertisement. Advertisers prey on our basal emotions, conjuring strong relationships between our primary drives and their product names or logos.

A prime example of this is perfume ads. In many of these types of advertisements there are women in compromising positions, but there is no mention of the actual product for sale. These ads draw us in and make us think that we can be better and more beautiful if we have the product. In addition to being manipulative, advertisements also fill our environments and our consciousness. There is no taboo venue for advertisements; they fill our televisions, radios, streets and elevators. Some advertisers have even taken to placing images of their products in our urinals or on boxers' bodies. It is impossible to get away from them. To illustrate this point, all one has to do is to pick up a popular magazine. While flipping through the pages, one will most likely find that for every page of content there are at least two pages of advertisements. It should also be noted that a significant portion of this so called "content" is actually advertising in disguise.

Finally, advertisements feed on our insecurities and often successfully convince us that we have no value to society without their products. Advertising was originally designed to showcase products and inform us as to how they can improve our lives. This harmless form has been replaced by a medium that viciously attacks our self-confidence and self-esteem. In conclusion, I posit that the main goal of advertisements is to convince us to buy things that we do not need. As globalization continues to shrink the world, advertising coerces all countries to become consumer nations.



Why people remember special gifts they have received?

People remember special gifts or presents that they have received. Why? Use specific reasons and



examples to support your answer.


One custom that is prevalent in all societies around the globe is that of gift-giving. This is a time-honored tradition in all countries, and evokes different feelings or emotions in all of us. Gift-giving has many different functions in Chinese culture. One can receive a gift as a token of affection, or one can receive or give a gift to stimulate business opportunities. In both of these cases, the gifts are always well received, and serve the function of a memento.

Perhaps the most common situation in which a gift is given is on a special day, for example, one's birthday or an anniversary. These gifts come to a person from loved ones, and usually symbolize affection or admiration.

These gifts can be large or small. For example, my father bought me a digital camera for my last birthday. This was a great present, and was quite expensive. I did not appreciate the gift because of its monetary value, however. I valued it because it was a very thoughtful gift, as my father knew I was interested in photography. Other gifts have less monetary value, but are still just as meaningful. An example of this is when a boyfriend buys flowers for his girlfriend. The flowers do not cost a lot of money, but they evoke feelings of happiness and love.

Gifts can also be given to stimulate business. For example, many businessmen in China will take their most important clients on a special vacation to see the sights of another city. This trip does not relate directly to business, as in many cases, the business at hand is not discussed. Instead, the businessman will offer such a trip as a token of trust and respect. The client appreciates this gesture, as it shows him/her that the businessman is serious about work, and values him/her as a customer.

n both of these cases, the gifts signify to the receiver that he/she is cared about and is important. It is always a treat to receive a gift, and most people view this as a sign of friendship-Gifts serve as mementos of the people who give them, which is why we hold them in special places in our hearts.



Do you like a large shopping center being built in your neighborhood?

It has recently been announced that a large shopping center may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.


这道题目的关键点有两个,分别是large以及in your neighborhood,既然是开在社区里的大商场,那么势必会带来商业繁荣的影响,往好了说以后自己买东西会更方便,社区会更热闹更有活力。往不好的方向展开则可以说社区的安静气氛会受影响变得更加吵闹,同时安全性以及交通出行方面也可能会受到影响。大家喜不喜欢都可以找到展开的点。

While the proponents of the plan to build a large shopping center in my community believe that it will aid economic development, I think that it will possibly do irreparable harm to our neighborhood. The proposed shopping center will damage existing businesses, provide inferior products, and destroy the environment of our peaceful community.

Research indicates that companies with less than 50 workers employ more people and generate more revenue as a percentage of a nation's GDP than large-scale corporations. This is true in America, where small businesses are considered the engine of the economy, as it is in our community where many people own and operate small shops. Large stores can buy large quantities of goods at wholesale prices. While local grocery, that cannot buy products in bulk, will be unable to compete. Once the competition is gone, the large store can raise its prices and lower its employee's wages. This classic example of exploitative monopoly capitalism impoverishes a community while enriching a small number of people.

The goods sold at the shopping center would be mass produced and necessarily of inferior quality to the handcrafted local goods and freshly grown local produce. Cheap products like plastic furniture would lack the character and local flavor of traditional wooden furniture made right here in our town. Cheaply mass-produced food,laden with pesticides and chemical preservatives, would crowd out the healthier, fresher, and tastier local produce on the shelves of the large shopping center. Low prices from the large store might tempt local consumers to eat less healthy food, endangering the health of local people as well as harming the incomes of local farmers and shopkeepers.

Lastly, I must point out that a large shopping center might bring unwelcome development to our small community. Ugly and noisy roads and parking lots would need to be constructed. The volume of people wanting to buy things at the new shopping center would worsen the traffic situation, which is already bad. Pollution from cars and trucks already has a notably degrading effect on the local air-quality and this is also bound to become worse as the traffic to and from the shopping center increases.

