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什么是快速阅读(fast reading)?









1. 按照意群浏览,而不是一个单词接一个单词地看,以减少眼球的移动。我们来看下面四个句子:


World science/is dominated today/by a small number of/languages。

World science is dominated today/by a small number of languages。

World science is dominated today by a small number of languages。


2. 紧抓段落的主题句。抓住主题句就等于掌握了段落大意,略去细节不读,以求得略读速度。


略读在雅思阅读考试中的运用非常广泛,当学生拿到一篇文章时,他如果想要拿高分,首先要对文章进行一个全面的概括性的了解,那么他就需要花一分钟左右对整篇文章进行一个整体性的把握,这时就需要运用到略读;在做list of headings,段落加信息的匹配题,都可能运用到略读,尤其是段落加信息的匹配题需要我们快速浏览一个段落,发现与题目相匹配的有用信息,没有这种快速阅读的能力,势必会浪费大量的时间,而且正确率还得不到保证。









文章题目 The influence of social network to people's loneliness

重复年份 20140920 20130622

题材 人文社科

题型 配对 6+选择 4+判断 4



文章题目 Children and robots

重复年份 20160305 20141002

题材 科技

题型 小标题 5+配对 5+填空 3


机器人对孩子学习的影响。主要讲到把机器人放在学校可以辅助老师还有陪学生玩,还可以让它们拥有表情促进交流,但是过度使用可能会造成伦 理问题,此外还提到了几个科学家和他们的观点。

文章题目 Typography Introduction of Printed books

重复年份 20160312 20110127

题材 发展史

题型 判断 4+填空 9

文章大意 活字印刷的历史。两个德国人去 Italy 的一个地方,后来又搬去了罗马,之后很多商人就开始注意到印刷的潜在经济价值。



1. Early books have many errors – F

2. 活字印刷里就记得在 M.某个地方只有富人才买得起书– T

3. 刚开始 printing 的书,插图 illustration – T

4. Business man in Roma begin to notice the value of printing can make

money F


5. 类似流程图从上往下一步步说怎么印刷

6-7. Assembling Fonts: sheet of paper

8. 第 1 版是用来更正错误的 proof reading

9. types……pages are in right sequence

10. Local newspapers 做宣传

11-12. 问两种印刷方法的单词: binding and simulating

13. They lived very near to the book industry

雅思阅读模拟题:Why did a promising heart drug fail?

Why did a promising heart drug fail?

Doomed drug highlights complications of meddling with cholesterol.

1. The failure of a high-profile cholesterol drug has thrown a spotlight on

the complicated machinery that regulates cholesterol levels. But many

researchers remain confident that drugs to boost levels of 'good' cholesterol

are still one of the most promising means to combat spiralling heart


2. Drug company Pfizer announced on 2 December that it was cancelling all

clinical trials of torcetrapib, a drug designed to raise heart-protective

high-density lipoproteins (HDLs). In a trial of 15000 patients, a safety board

found that more people died or suffered cardiovascular problems after taking the

drug plus a cholesterol-lowering statin than those in a control group who took

the statin alone.

3. The news came as a kick in the teeth to many cardiologists because

earlier tests in animals and people suggested it would lower rates of

cardiovascular disease. "There have been no red flags to my knowledge," says

John Chapman, a specialist in lipoproteins and atherosclerosis at the National

Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM) in Paris who has also studied

torcetrapib. "This cancellation came as a complete shock."

4. Torcetrapib is one of the most advanced of a new breed of drugs designed

to raise levels of HDLs, which ferry cholesterol out of artery-clogging plaques

to the liver for removal from the body. Specifically, torcetrapib blocks a

protein called cholesterol ester transfer protein (CETP), which normally

transfers the cholesterol from high-density lipoproteins to low density,

plaque-promoting ones. Statins, in contrast, mainly work by lowering the 'bad'

low-density lipoproteins.

Under pressure

5. Researchers are now trying to work out why and how the drug backfired,

something that will not become clear until the clinical details are released by

Pfizer. One hint lies in evidence from earlier trials that it slightly raises

blood pressure in some patients. It was thought that this mild problem would be

offset by the heart benefits of the drug. But it is possible that it actually

proved fatal in some patients who already suffered high blood pressure. If blood

pressure is the explanation, it would actually be good news for drug developers

because it suggests that the problems are specific to this compound. Other

prototype drugs that are being developed to block CETP work in a slightly

different way and might not suffer the same downfall.

6. But it is also possible that the whole idea of blocking CETP is flawed,

says Moti Kashyap, who directs atherosclerosis research at the VA Medical Center

in Long Beach, California. When HDLs excrete cholesterol in the liver, they

actually rely on LDLs for part of this process. So inhibiting CETP, which

prevents the transfer of cholesterol from HDL to LDL, might actually cause an

abnormal and irreversible accumulation of cholesterol in the body. "You're

blocking a physiologic mechanism to eliminate cholesterol and effectively

constipating the pathway," says Kashyap.

Going up

7. Most researchers remain confident that elevating high density

lipoproteins levels by one means or another is one of the best routes for

helping heart disease patients. But HDLs are complex and not entirely

understood. One approved drug, called niacin, is known to both raise HDL and

reduce cardiovascular risk but also causes an unpleasant sensation of heat and

tingling. Researchers are exploring whether they can bypass this side effect and

whether niacin can lower disease risk more than statins alone. Scientists are

also working on several other means to bump up high-density lipoproteins by, for

example, introducing synthetic HDLs. "The only thing we know is dead in the

water is torcetrapib, not the whole idea of raising HDL," says Michael Miller,

director of preventive cardiology at the University of Maryland Medical Center,


