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“顺序原则”即雅思官方在题型特点注释中所述的“Answers are in passage order.”说的复杂一些,便是:若某一题型符合“Answers are in passage order”的描述,该题型所包含的几个题目的答案在文中分布的相应位置随题号的变大而逐渐靠后。Sounds like a mouthful, right? 简而言之吧,就是这种题型考生可以顺着题号一题一题地往文章更靠后的位置找,比较符合正常人的阅读习惯(相信很少有人上来先读一篇文章的第三段,或者第四段吧)。


宏观地看一篇雅思阅读文章包涵的全部题型,答案分布的顺序也符合题型出现的先后顺序,例如全文包含先判断题,后填空题这两种题型,则较有可能出现的情况是判断题答案分布在文章的前半部分,而填空题在文章后半部分。例如: 剑桥雅思真题集系列7,Test 4 Passage 1: 前7题判断题分布于前6个段落,剩下的段落填空题分布于第9段,和前面7段无关。

接下来说说哪些题型符合“Answers are in passage order”。我们把题型总体分成四大类 - 判断、选择、填空和配对。判断题,包括identifying information(TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN)和identifying writer’s views(YES/NO/NOT GIVEN)均严格地符合“顺序原则”。选择题,分为单选题和多选题。四选一的单选题,即multiple choice questions(choose one from A/B/C/D)符合顺序原则,而多选题,即picking from a list(pick 2 out of 5, 3 out of 6, 5 out of 11, etc)则无所谓顺序原则,所选答案在list中的位置可能与它们在文章中出现的先后顺序不吻合,但是这种题型在答题卷上以任何顺序写出所选答案都可以。填空题,(在此,笔者把所有要填单词作答的题型全部归为填空题),除段落概括填空(summary completion)以外,简答题(short answer questions)、句子填空(sentence completion)、表格填空(table completion)、笔记填空(notes completion)、流程图填空(flow-chart completion)和示意图填空(diagram labeling)均符合“顺序原则”。针对段落概括填空,我们可以默认它也为顺序原则,但需要做好个别答案乱序的心理准备,相关例子在剑桥雅思真题系列中时有出现:剑桥雅思真题集系列7,Test 4, Reading Passage 1[以下简称“C7T4P1”](Ant Intelligence)、C8T2P2(The Little Ice Age)等。最后,配对题。字面理解,“配对”即把混乱的项与相应部分对应起来,因此配对题很自然就是乱序的,包括段落标题配对(matching headings)、段落信息配对(matching information)、人名与陈述配对(matching people to statements)和事件与时间段配对(matching events to time periods)等。综上,较笼统的讲,除配对题以外,其他雅思阅读题型均遵守顺序原则。


需要注意的是,顺序原则仅适用于同一题型内,若跨越了题型,就不一定了。例如:剑桥雅思真题集9,Test 1中的18-26题,(以下简称C9T1Q18-26),18题至20题为short answer questions,21题至26题为identifying writer’s views,两种题型均符合顺序原则,但是20题的答案在文章的相应位置并不一定出现在21题答案的相应位置之前。因此顺序原则这个“原则”仅限题型内,涉及两种题型时可能就要被打破了。







为什么要提这部电影呢?因为作为一个雅思阅读的老师,看到电影海报,职业病就犯了...脑海里立马想到的是雅思剑三test 4 passage 2真题文章。同样去年也发现一部电影《实验者》“experimenter" 也是讲剑五test 1 passage 2的心理学实验。





① 《永远的女性参政论者》suffragettes forever 如上所述雅思真题中出过女权运动,也有剑六中Do literate women make better mothers? 就算不是为了背单词,我也推荐大家看一下这个纪录片,我们以为理所当然的东西是多少先驱用血的代价换来了。女生要看,男生更应该去看。


Citizen four



①《皮克斯工作室:25个神奇时刻》Pixar :25 magic moments著名动画制作公司如何制作动画的。在《基础阅读》里面有一篇文章也是讲如何制作动画人物的。 ②《伦敦地铁史话》The Tube: an underground history雅思真题不少出交通方式类的文章,4-10里面我数了一下就有6篇。 ③《维基解密--背后的故事》Wikipedia ---the secret story

雅思真题中,我们见过有好多篇人物传记一类的文章, 所以要推荐几部人物传记类的,英国人为主。今天要说不仅仅看英国人,因为1.31真题考的就是莫扎特。


① 《真实的简. 奥斯汀 》The real Jane Austen

② 《阿加莎.克里斯蒂的谜样人生》The mystery of Agatha Christie

③ 《神奇的费曼先生》The fantasitic Mr. Feyman 他是20世纪著名的物理学家。看完你会觉得物理学家也太可爱了。当然也有霍金的纪录片,但是我总觉得人还活着的话就不会出题。

实验类文章在雅思阅读中也不少出现,甚至我们都摸索出来这类文章结构会如何写。很多人在第一次看到剑五 nature or nurture 那篇实验之前早都了解过那个实验,做题就会特别顺畅。那我来推荐几部实验类,也许你考试就碰到了呢。


① 《斯坦福监狱实验 》The Standford Prison Experiment

② 《我们的孩子足够坚强吗?中式学校》Are our kids tough enough? Chinese school 这类和教育结合在一起的实验在雅思真题中也是出现过,两个国家之间的教育对比也是出现过。而且本身这个很轻松,推荐给大家。教育类的文章在雅思阅读中也是常出现,有学龄前教育项目对比的,有日本和英国数学教育对比的文章。教育类也是爱出的一种话题。

①《数学的故事》the story of maths

动物类和环境的雅思文章,真题随便一本都能有。而相关话题的纪录片,你随便一搜discover,BBC出现非常多。这里我推荐几部我看过的。①《蝴蝶的神奇之旅 》the incredible journey of the butterflies

②《北极熊:一个夏天的奥德赛 》polar bears: a summer odyssey

③ 《珍古德的野生黑猩猩》Jane Goodall's wild Chimpanzees猩猩一类的既可以在动物类也会出现在一些实验类文章里面或者跟人与社会关系对比上面。所以这个纪录片大家要仔细看。

④《BBC:非洲 》BBC: Africa 地理环境的文章在雅思中也不少,所以要关注这种环境地理类的纪录片。

⑤《美丽中国》 wild China 一定找英文的!

⑥《日本:地球迷人之岛》Japan: Earth Enchanted islands是唐顿庄园大小姐Mary 配音的


其实背单词,在上下文中背是最有效率的。所以能在纪录片里看到这些词的应用,会记得特别牢的。最好是能把纪录片里所有生词摘取出来形成一个自己的生词小红书,时常翻出来看看,阅读单词量肯定有大的飞跃。 也推荐两个看纪录片的网站,在线看或者下APPS 离线缓存都可以。大名鼎鼎的A站和B站:AcFun和bilibili。

雅思阅读全真练习系列:Seeking an energy holy trinity

Seeking an energy holy trinity

1 NEELIE KROES, the European Union’s competition commissioner, did not mince her words when reporting on Europe’s energy markets on Wednesday January 10th. Europe’s energy firms have failed to invest in networks and so customers are suffering. Those “vertically integrated” energy companies such as Electricité de France (EDF) or Germany’s E.ON, widely dubbed as “national champions”, are effectively behaving like local monopolies. Shy of competition, eager for artificially high prices, they are helping to block the efficient generation, transmission and distribution of energy on the continent.

2 Energy prices vary wildly across Europe. Ms Kroes wants to see cheaper energy, and intends to push suppliers to divest their distribution network and to get them to invest more in transportation systems so that more energy—in the form of gas, or electricity, for example—can flow easily over borders. It is remarkably hard, for example, for gas-poor Germany to import from the neighbouring, gas-rich Netherlands. Companies that dominate national markets have, so far, had little interest in improving the interconnections which would mean lower prices for consumers across the continent.

3 Ms Kroes, of course, will struggle to get her way. The European Commission, which on the same day presented its recommendation for improving EU energy policy, also wants to see the unbundling of ownership, the legal separation of energy suppliers and transporters, something that the integrated energy companies and interested governments, notably in France and Germany, are bound to oppose ferociously.

4 Complicating the matter is an argument over the security of energy supply in Europe. Much has been made of the risk for western Europe of depending too heavily on Russian exports of gas. Russia under Vladimir Putin is prone to using energy exports as a blunt tool of foreign policy, especially when trying to bully countries in its hinterland. Last year Russia interrupted gas deliveries to Ukraine, affecting supplies in central and western Europe too. This week it blocked oil exports passing via Belarus to Europe, though that spat was soon resolved.

5 The risk is that concerns about security of supply may be used spuriously by those in Europe who oppose the sort of liberalisation encouraged by Ms Kroes. The likes of E.ON and EDF may claim that only protected national champions are able to secure supply, by striking long-term deals with powerful foreign suppliers. The Commission disagrees. Such deals are too often politically motivated and far from transparent. Protection has been tried for long enough and evidently has not worked for the internal market, nor have these companies secured the best deals for consumers from the Russians.

6 In contrast, the Commission's new policy proposes, ideally, a break-up of these companies into suppliers and distributors. (As a second best solution, especially for France and Germany, it recommends the management of the networks by a third party.) Properly independent managers of Europe's energy networks would have a strong incentive to build interconnecting pipelines and power lines across borders. For the gas market another means of ensuring competition and security would be finding a more diverse range of suppliers, for example by building more terminals for the import of liquified natural gas. It would also be likely to mean lower prices, if the example of liberalised Britain over the past ten years is anything to go by.

7 Whether any of this is likely to happen soon, however, is another matter. The Commission is also calling for European governments to agree on a common effort to reduce carbon emissions by at least 20% by 2020 (compared with 1990 levels). If America is willing to play ball, the Commission proposes to reduce emissions by as much as 30%. Achieving either target would mean promoting cleaner cars, a more effective emissions-trading system for Europe, wider use of public transport and a sharp increase in the use of renewable sources of energy, like wind and solar power. All that is laudable enough, but will also require political horse-trading as governments—Europe’s leaders are due to meet in March to discuss the various energy proposals—try to avoid commitments that may hurt domestic energy companies or make European firms less competitive than rivals in America, Asia and elsewhere.

(689 words)

Questions 1-5  Do the following statements reflect the views of the writer in the reading passage?

In boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet write

YES if the statement reflects the views of the writer

NO if the statement contradicts the views of the writer

NOT GIVEN if there is no information about this in the passage

1. Europe’s energy companies have funded the construction of the distribution network.

2. There has been a wide range of energy prices within Europe.

3. Gas-poor Germany has to pay a price higher than average to import gas from its neighbour.

4. E.ON and EDF may oppose the liberalisation due to their concerns about the security of energy supply.

5. The European Commission proposes to reduce carbon emissions by 30% if the U.S. is willing to cut its.

Questions 6-10  Look at the box of countries below.

Choose One or Two countries to complete the following sentences.

Write your answers in boxes 6-10 on your answer sheet.


A. Belarus

B. Britain

C. France

D. Germany

E. Russia

F. Ukraine

G. The U.S.

6. It’s dangerous for western Europe to depend too much on gas imports from ……

7. A liberalised policy of energy supply was enforced over ten years in …

8. Last year energy supplies in central and western Europe was affected owing to the interruption of gas deliveries to …

9. The governments in …… are bound to oppose the separation of energy suppliers and transporters?

10. Oil exports passing via … to Europe was blocked this week.

Questions 11-14

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the reading passage above for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 11-14.

11. The EC disagrees with energy firms to strike long-term deals with foreign suppliers because such deals are usually far from …

12. The EC proposes to split those “national champions” into …

13. A more diverse range of suppliers would guarantee …in the European gas market.

14. The realization of carbon emissions reduction would require the promotion of cleaner cars, a better emissions-trading system, wider use of public transport and more use of … of energy.

