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Describe a time you went to a crowed place.

You should say

when you went there

what the place was

what you did there

and explain why you went there/how you felt about the crowded place.








Do you like large places?

What event will attract many people in China?

What place will attract many people in China?

What do you think is the most important thing of an event?

What problem is better to be solved through group work?

Do people like crowded places in China?








The most crowded place I had ever been to was the Great Wall.which is located in Beijing, thecapital of China. I went there onNational Day in 2007. DuringNational Day, most Chinese peoplewill have 7 days off, and they will choose to travel. The Great Wall is a popular tourist attraction and as the old saying goes, "One who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a hero". For this reason, even many foreigners will go to climb the Great Wall. The Great Wall is one of the seven wonders of the world, and it is builtby ancient Chinese people to protect Chinese northern border.The Great Wall I went to was called Badaling Great Wall. I tried my best and finally reached the top of it. During the process, wanted to give up many times, but I kept telling myself that I could make it. When I was standing on the top and appreciating the splendid views, I felt all my efforts deserved. The process of climbing the Great Wall is just like the process of going through your life journey, during which you may encounter a lot of difficulties. Never give up and finally you will make it.



Describe an impessive work of art Such as painting or sculpture you saw.



You should say:

what it is;

when and where you first saw this work of art;

what it looks like;

and explain why you like it.






Do you like art?

Do you think art classes are necessary?Why?

How do you think art classes affect children's development?

What kind of arts do Chinese people like?

What benefits can you get from painting as a hobby?

Do you think people's preferences on arts changed in past few years?








Water Lilies is a series about 250 oil paintings by FrenchImpressionist Claude Monet. Thepainting depict Monet's flowergarden at Giverny and was themain focus of Monet's artisticproduction during the last thirty years of his life. It is said that Claude Monet's water-lily paintings are amongst the most recognized and celebrated works of 20th century. They were hugely influential to many of the following generations of artists.The paintings are on display at museums all over the world. I waslucky enough to see one of the water-lily paintings displayed at the Guangzhou Art Gallery. At the first sight of the painting, I was totally amazed by its artful express. Some may consider impressionist paintings incomplete when comparing them with classical paintings, because the impressionist paintings include relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes, and they appear to be blur or hazy. But impressionist paintings do not focus on the accurate depiction of a certain subject, but try to capture the exact moment and lighting of the scene. The water-lily painting deeply impressed me and that's why I choose to talk about this work of art.



Describe a time of seing interesing animals



You should say:

what the animals were

when and where you saw it;

what it was doing when you saw it;

and explain how you felt about it.






Well. I'd like to talk about alpacas, which are the most interesting animal I've ever seen. Iwent to a suburban zoo with myfriends and saw them for the firstime. They looked very gentle,maybe it was just because of their appearance. They are very similar with sheep and camel, but cuter than sheep and smaller than camel. I guess that's the reason why they are adorable. When I first saw them, it seemed that they were a little scared. I fed them food but they finished it when I was not around instead of eating it immediately. The most amusing behaviour was that they spitted at people. The staff told us that they would spit when they are pissed. One of my friends fed a smaller alpaca and ignored the igger one. She got punishment in just a few seconds. She said itwas smelly and got a little angry.But I personally think this behaviour is adorable because it makes me feel that they are like kids, not just animals.


I will go to that zoo someother time, and bring my other friends or my parents. I want to introduce this kind of interesting animal to more people.
