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雅思口语评分标准雅思口语评分标准从四个方面:fluency& coherence (流畅度&连贯性),lexical resource(词汇量),grammar range(语法),Pronunciation(发音)。

雅思口语评分标准之一 Fluency & Coherence ( 流畅度 & 连贯性)第一项流畅度和连贯性并不是只是指一直不停说就可以获得高分,在这里5分和6分的要求区别在于:5分容许重复(包括连接词)或者停顿,容许自我更正或者语速过慢,可以表达一些简单句而不是复杂句;而6分的要求是可以少量出现重复或者自我更正和犹豫,可以使用一些不同的连接词(可以有少量错误),和要有一定的逻辑。从这项的要求来看由5分提高到6分是比较容易实现的。

另外,6分的要求中加了一项“willing to speak at length”,这里是讲学生有意愿去交流而且使用的句子有一定长度而不是简单句。此处便是得分点,很明显的提示了长句表达的重要性,学生在理解评分标准之后再有意识的训练会有效改善之前在此方面存在的问题,尤其有意培养长句的表达。


雅思口语评分标准之二 Lexical Resource (词汇量)也就是词汇储备的广泛和灵活应用。在这里5分要求和6分还是有明显区别的,5分的要求是:考生在有限的词汇量中可以讨论熟悉和不熟悉的话题,并试图去解释,容许出错误。而6分是在一定充足的词汇量的基础上用长句来清晰的表达阐述观点,只容许出现一些搭配不当用词不当的小错误。


雅思口语评分标准之三 Grammar Range(语法)具体是指文法的多样性和表达的准确性。有些学生存在这样一个误区认为口语是不注重语法的,平时练习也很少注意到此类问题,尤其是对于一些语法基础知识薄弱的学生,更容易在语法这一单项中扣分从而影响整体分数。


雅思口语评分标准之四 Pronunciation (发音)这是口语中短期内最难提高的一项。在此类要求中反复强调“pronunciation features” 就是语音特色或者语音特点,这里并不是有硬性规定一定是美音还是英音或者一定有地区分化的要求,而是指发音接近native speaker,在此是指注意发音时的连读,弱化和吞音,而不是一味的学习腔调。




Do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors?

I would prefer to engage in outdoor activities. Outdoor activities usually provide an avenue to interact with people in a more relaxed setting thus allowing for closer interaction.

Did you like to go outside when you were young?

Yes, I really liked to do some outdoor activities. When I was young, I used to get up early and leave the house and go wherever I wanted to go on my bike. There were no telephones, and my only rule was to be home by dark. Usually I got home by dark. If not, someone would go out looking for me.

Did you often go over to your friends' house when you were young?

Yes, we played video games a lot during summer vacation, cause it’s too hot to play sports outside.

Is it important for children to play outdoors?

Outdoor play is vital to our children's health, growth, and development. Children can and do learn through play.



Do you think mathematics is important?

Math helps us have better problem-solving skills. Math helps us think analytically and have better reasoning abilities. Analytical thinking refers to the ability to think critically about the world around us.

Do you think it' s difficult to learn mathematics well?

Math is a very abstract subject, and for me, it is hard to relate math to real life. Also, math has a reputation of being an unpopular mix of difficult and boring, so I am not so excited to learn about math.

Are girls generally good at mathematics?

Overall there are only small differences in boys’ and girls’ math performance; those differences depend on the age and skill level of the student, what type of math they are attempting and how big of a dissimilarity is needed to say that boys’ and girls’ math performance is truly different.

Do you often use a calculator?

I used it a lot. I made too many dumb multiplication errors on practice tests to risk doing those calculations in my head/on paper for the actual test. It’s really personal preference though.



What do street markets sell?

Well, you could buy and sell almost everything at street market, like vintage clothing and fashion accessories, home-baked goods upcycled or repurposed furnishings.

Are there many street markets in China?

Yes, China is a fantastic shopping destination. From the roadside stall to the large-scale modern shopping mall. Each city has a landmark street market where only visitors would go, but local residents wouldn’t hang out, like Nanjing Rd in Shanghai, Wangfujin in Beijing.

What are the differences between street markets and supermarkets?

As nouns the difference between supermarket and market. is that supermarket is a large self-service store that sells groceries and, usually, medications, household goods and/or clothing while market is city square or other fairly spacious site where traders set up stalls and buyers browse the merchandise.

Do you often go to the supermarket?

I usually go to the supermarket about once or twice a week to buy groceries. Since I do a lot of shopping, I usually need a shopping cart to carry everything.



Why do some people throw garbage on the street?为什么有些人在街上扔垃圾?

There are many reasons for this nuisance . One fact is that people dare to throw garbage on roads because there is no strict warning or punishment for those crimes .

What do you do with garbage when you are on the street?当你在街上的时候,你怎么处理垃圾?

I like to pick trash off the ground. I like to grab other people’s litter off the street and throw it in the garbage.

How do you feel when you see people throw garbage on the street?当你看到人们在街上扔垃圾时,你有什么感觉?

I don’t tend to do much about it. I wouldn’t say anything. I don’t think it’s okay but I still don’t want to get into an unnecessary argument. Sometimes I would, I guess it depends.

Do you think your city is clean or not?你认为你的城市干净吗?

It really depends on which part of the country or city you’re in. In commercial areas in Shanghai, the surroundings are just as clean as any city in the West. Where I live there are street cleaners, massive road cleaning machines, and also the occasional team of what seem to be migrant workers tasked with cleaning, de-weeding, and pruning a whole stretch of road or highway.