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长难句:and there are the townsfolk who largely live off the tourists who come,not to see the plays,but to look at anne hathaway’s cottage,shakespeare’s bi-rthplace and the other sights.

重点词汇:largely 、 live off



分析:定语从句(who largely live off the tourists)修饰the townsfolk,而该定语从句的宾语the tourists的后面又跟了另一个定语从句。注意,不能把not to see the plays的主语看作是the townsfolk。

2、重点词汇翻译: largely意为“在很大程度上,主要地”。he owed his success largely to th-e support of his wife.(他的成功在很大程度上应归于妻子的支持。) live off有两个意思,分别是“住在……外”或“靠……生活”。the family used to li-ve off the small pocket of land they owned.(这家人过去靠着自家的一小块土地过日子。)some college students have chosen to live off the campus.(有些学生选择住在校外。)