
若水1147 分享 时间:

雅思听力满分是需要大量的技巧的,而其中最重要的就是要利用好之前做错的题目。今天小编给大家带来了 请正确对待自己的错误,希望可以帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

【雅思听力满分心态】前错不忘后事之师 请正确对待自己的错误


用红笔批阅比较醒目。答对的用勾号表示,用来鼓舞士气,打错的用叉号表示,以便下一步着重重听。接着将自己的得分和错误类型记录到答题纸的上 方,对自己的弱势项目做到心中有数。这一点看似简单易行,实则是复习的重中之重,因为不知道错误我们永远不知道需要改正的地方在哪里。





先不要看原文,强迫自己努力去听清楚与题目相关的有效信息。也许你会在听到第10遍的时候几乎发狂,那么此时你翻开tran,在心 里默念一遍,然后合上书,最后听一遍原文,顿时豁然开朗,柳暗花明。这其实是一个典型的抓主要矛盾的方法论。听力试题在经过一遍血洗之后,已经在自己的能 力表上分出了三六九等。此时,为了以最短的时间解决最大的问题,我们需要挑选最重要的,也就是错误率最高的问题进行逐一攻破。而在解决重点的过程中,我们 要学会给自己加压,即使可以求助他方,例如tran。

但为什么不给自己一个证明能力的机会?为什么不坚信问题的存在是可以通过个人努力解决的?很多时候,成功离我们只有一毫米的距离,再努力一点 点,再坚持一点点,我们就可以嗅到成功的味道。而最大的失败并不是不成功,而是离成功只差一点点。不要小看这一丝一毫的成功,毕竟在雅思的备考过程中,我 们需要通过大量的事实为自己的胜利增添砝码。


【雅思听力技巧】不再跪着做完Section 3


Self-Access Centre

21 Students want to keep the Self-Access Centre because

A they enjoy the variety of equipment.

B they like being able to work on their own.

C it is an important part of their studies.

22 Some teachers would prefer to

A close the Self-Access Centre.

B move the Self-Access Centre elsewhere.

C restrict access to the Self-Access Centre.

23 The students’ main concern about using the library would be

A the size of the library.

B difficulty in getting help.

C the lack of materials.

24 The Director of Studies is concerned about

A the cost of upgrading the centre.

B the lack of space in the centre.

C the difficulty in supervising the centre.


第21题题干关键词:because (Self-Access Centre在题中反复出现并不能帮助定位)。选项关键词:equipment; on their own (注意可能会同义替换,烤鸭们在平时需要做积累); part; studies

第22题题干关键词:teachers。选项关键词:close; move; restrict (同样需要思考同义替换)

第23题题干关键词:main concern(知道concern = worry); library。选项关键词:size; help; materials

第24题题干关键词:Director of Studies。选项关键词:cost; space; supervising the centre(思考supervising的同义替换)



PAM: Hi Jun. As you know, I’ve asked you here today to discuss the future of our Self-Access Centre. We have to decide what we want to do about this very important resource for our English language students. So, can you tell me what the studentsthink about this?

JUN: Well, from the students’ point of view, we would like to keepit. The majority of students say that they enjoy using it because it provides a variation on the classroom routine and Q21 they see it as a pretty major componentof their course, but we would like to see some improvements to the equipment, particularly the computers; there aren’t enough for one each at the moment and we always have to share.


PAM: Well yes, the teachersagree that it is a very valuable resource but one thing we have noticed is that a lot of the students are using it to check their personal emails. We don’t want to stop you students using it, but we think the computers should be used as a learning resource, not for emails. Q22 Some of us also think that we could benefit a lot more byrelocatingthe Self-Access Centre to the main University library building.How do you think the students would feel about that, Jun?

JUN: Well, the library is big enough to incorporate the Self-Access Centre, but it wouldn’t be like a class activity anymore. Q23 Our main worrywould be not being able to go to a teacher for advice.I’m sure there would be plenty of things to do but we really need teachers to helpus choose the best activities.

原文中出现22题关键词teachers,其后出现两个but,考生们可将它们之后的内容和选项进行比较,当不能选出答案时,切勿着急,耐心往后听。很快又跟出also think两个信号词,其后出现relocating,帮助大家选出正确答案。


JUN: Yes, but I think the students would be much happier keeping the existing set-up; they really like going to the Self-Access Centre with their teacher and staying together as a group to do activities. If we could just improve the resources and facilities, I think it would be fine. Is the cost going to be a problem?PAM: It’s not so much the expensethat I’m worried about, and we’ve certainly got roomto do it, but Q24 it’s the problem of timetabling a teacher to be in there outside class hours.If we’re going to spend a lot of money on equipment and resources, we really need to make sure that everything is looked after properly. Anyway, let’s make some notes to see just what needs doing to improve the Centre.

信号词but能帮助考生们正确定位答案。然而,对于同义替换掌握得一般的同学,本题可以用排除法解决。通过not, expense及got room能排除掉答案A和B。

根据以上的例题,相信同学们对于解决Section 3的选择题应该是有点感悟和心得了,那么在练习时要学会使用技巧和思考考点,千万不要拼尽全力地理解每一句话。记得用上关键词和信号词,同时也应在做完题之后进行同义替换的整理,只有准备充分了,才能在考场上胸有成竹、从容面对那想“吓死人的”选择题。

雅思听力小范围预测:Section Two

Section Two

场次 2016031 20120811 2008

场景 公司招聘

题型 选择 1 填空 9

内容概述 关于太平洋制衣公司 Pacific Clothing Firm 招聘介绍,先说服务行业竞


选择 1:

1.服装行业竞争的重点 in order to succeed, clothing firms should: 选:(B. sell

new product)

填空 9:

需要的职位 three types of professions the firm is looking for:

2. designers

3. accountants

4. engineers

要求员工的技能 the firm plans to recruit employees who are:

5. clever 另一版本:collaborative

6. loyal

7. hard-working


8.员工不用 pay for, company will offer:(free transportation)

9.为员工和他们的家人提供?company provides a (fitness centre) for employees and their


10.此处有 2 个版本的答案:there is a seminar about latest development in fashion.

员工在那里接受培训? the firm holds its training in (workplace).

雅思听力小范围预测:Section Three

Section Three

场次 20110212 2008 2007 2006

题型 填空 10

内容概述 一位男士 confirm presentation 的时间,以及要带的材料

填空 10

1.时间 Time: (early evening) 另外一种说法:Date:(14th to 4th June)

2.开始 20-10 分钟作报告给?you need to do a report to seminar group

Items you have to take :

3.A. material B. project C. list of objectives D. booklist

4.(project outline)

作用 the purpose of presentation :证明作者的什么能力 ability? 5.是否做了 did you do(wide


6.能不能做出(a clear argument)

7.how well you can do to (design research) 老师对于 presentation

8.theory chapters

9.the things you get: checking list

10.Get information from:www. studentlink.com





