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【雅思听力最强技】听力关键词定位技巧实例讲解 包教包会!

1. 注意限定词。此处的限定词又可分为以下几种:

(1)时间限定。就是题目中给的一个特定的时间或者包含时间的短语。比如Cambridge 5 Test 3Section 4的31题:

By2008, carbon dioxide emissions need to be ____ lower than in 1990.

这道题目中出现了两个时间,那么2008首先就成为首要目标。只要听力原文中念出了2008,那么意味着答案已经不远了。同样的在Cambridge 7 Test 4Section 4的37题:In1908, Kikunae Ikeda discovered a ____.


(2)地点限定。也就是题目中出现的大写的地点名词。比如Cambridge 4 Test 2 Section 4的37题:

Averagedaily requirement for an adult in Antarctica is approximately____ kilocalories.

在这道题目中,学生必须注意的就是Antarctica这个地点限制,要不然就会掉入雅思的陷阱中。因为题目中首先出现了一个1700kilocalories, 稍微不注意的学生就会赶紧写上去,但是这个数字却是UK的。


(4)程度限定。就是题目中出现的一些程度副词,比如形容词的最高级。Cambridge5 Test 2 Section 4中有一句话:world’shighest, coldest and windiest continent. 在这句话中学生是最好抓关键词的,只听三个最高级的词,因为它们不会被替换掉。其它程度限定词还有比如:originally, the most…, only…, the main purpose等等。


其实剑桥中很多题目没有明显的指向标,在这种情况下,学生一定要抓住题干中的主谓宾,尤其是主语。比如Cambridge 5 Test 3 Section 4的33题:

People say that oneproblem is a lack of ‘____’ sites for household waste.

我们可以通过划分主谓宾化繁为简。题干中明显的主语是problem, 问题是lack什么,划出这两个词其他不用看就可以等答案了。另外一道比如Cambridge 8 Test 2Section 3的30题:

The benefit of thisresearch is that the result is more ____ than searching for live Asian bees.

此题中无关信息很多,我们要火眼金睛地定位到主语就是benefit, 等着后面出现形容词即可。




1. 注意限定词。此处的限定词又可分为以下几种:

(1)时间限定。就是题目中给的一个特定的时间或者包含时间的短语。比如Cambridge 5 Test 3Section 4的31题:

By2008, carbon dioxide emissions need to be ____ lower than in 1990.

这道题目中出现了两个时间,那么2008首先就成为首要目标。只要听力原文中念出了2008,那么意味着答案已经不远了。同样的在Cambridge 7 Test 4Section 4的37题:In1908, Kikunae Ikeda discovered a ____.


(2)地点限定。也就是题目中出现的大写的地点名词。比如Cambridge 4 Test 2 Section 4的37题:

Averagedaily requirement for an adult in Antarctica is approximately____ kilocalories.

在这道题目中,学生必须注意的就是Antarctica这个地点限制,要不然就会掉入雅思的陷阱中。因为题目中首先出现了一个1700kilocalories, 稍微不注意的学生就会赶紧写上去,但是这个数字却是UK的。


(4)程度限定。就是题目中出现的一些程度副词,比如形容词的最高级。Cambridge5 Test 2 Section 4中有一句话:world’shighest, coldest and windiest continent. 在这句话中学生是最好抓关键词的,只听三个最高级的词,因为它们不会被替换掉。其它程度限定词还有比如:originally, the most…, only…, the main purpose等等。


其实剑桥中很多题目没有明显的指向标,在这种情况下,学生一定要抓住题干中的主谓宾,尤其是主语。比如Cambridge 5 Test 3 Section 4的33题:

People say that oneproblem is a lack of ‘____’ sites for household waste.

我们可以通过划分主谓宾化繁为简。题干中明显的主语是problem, 问题是lack什么,划出这两个词其他不用看就可以等答案了。另外一道比如Cambridge 8 Test 2Section 3的30题:

The benefit of thisresearch is that the result is more ____ than searching for live Asian bees.

此题中无关信息很多,我们要火眼金睛地定位到主语就是benefit, 等着后面出现形容词即可。



雅思听力大范围预测:Section Three

Section 3

场景:回校再学习的咨询 A woman what go BACK TO STUDY, library information.



21-26) Completion

21. Compared with the past when they searched books by card catalogue(s) (that was printed card on books and titles)

22. current Course catalogue是什么? computer

23. It's about the journal, but it's about books above, and journals are different. Look for × in a private library. It has a printed list

24. Where could they find it, it is not in the library? 如果图书馆没有,可以去什么地方找? British Library and other university

(和 they could borrow from other universities’ library because the British Library is connected with them on line.)

25. Librarian will provide photocopy of article 一份复印件

26. If you are graduate student, discount and subsidize will be £10 free vouchersand also save time.




21-25) Completion: write one word ONLY for each answer

21. one student wants to major in Economics (Economics, drop the S, is a mistake, but the trap is that she said in this term she chose accounting, international business and another course)

22. She thinks the statistics(统计学) is difficult, but it is compulsory.(必修)

23. If withdraw(退订) statistics, this course would be recorded to academic record.

24. Why does the girl think statistics is difficult, because she has difficulties to understand the basic ideas.

25. The teacher suggests students regard the course Statics as a challenge.

26-30) Table Completion There are many ways to improve the study

26. go to ask the secretary (教学秘书)

27. administration office

28. to meet class representative

29. a postgraduate student

30. in the computer centre

场景:男女教师间的讨论 A man and a woman (both are teachers) are talking.



21-22) Completion

What does the man satisfied with about the course this semester?

(The woman asks the man)

21. Course: topic is well organized and Next term: don't have the Writing’s Museum

22. trip during the time

Then they are talking about something they are not satisfied with the man give some advise on how to solve and improve them.

23-26) Matching About the facilities in the school

A. definitely have in next courses

B. it possible will have

C. it does not to be done at all/definitely not

23. find large rooms (Classroom size) -- A do next time

(About this the man says the classroom is too small and crowded. It's dangerous. The woman agrees with that and should report this).

24. discussion group: B (It is suggested that students have to be there, the woman says she’s not sure and has to ask the Dean’s office so choose “Not sure when it can be changed.”)

25. use of library system A (It’s certain they are going to do it next term.)

26. individual talk with other countries students C

The following is two students discussing about how to assess the score of the final test.




21-22) Multiple Choices

1. What inspired them to choose this topic?

A. inspire by an article (女的说 from magazine)

B. suggested by a lecture

C. after an assignment being done

2. The amount of different age group which uses the cosmetics. 选 C

陷阱: She thought people between 21-30 should be more than that of over 30, but to her surprise, it was the opposite.


23-26) Completions

The woman tells the man what they really care about? 女的他们都关心哪些间题

23. low price of the product

24. size (of container)

25. fashion

26. smell

27-30) Matching

A. interview (原文说face to face)

B. questionnaire 问卷

C. Verbalization 口述

27. impact of environment —C

28. shopping pattern & habit—A

29. advertising—B (written)

30. brand loyalty —A (then, we wanted to do it by interview but finally we finish it by verbalization)

场景:UK Bee Research英国蜜蜂研究



21-26)Multiple Choices

21. what is the bee hive look live on the picture?

A. nursery

B. factory

C. home

22. what do they think of the bee smell?

A. It’s a method of social communication

B. It’s better than taste

C. It can detect danger

23. What should be further discussed in the presentation?

A. factors caused the decline of bee population

24. How to present the research to the audience?

A. video

B. quiz (not interested in it)

C. bee equipment

25. Which part of the presentation should be improved?

A. layout of the research report (structure)

B. background knowledge

C. communication with audience

26. What should be additions the report?

B. the influence of bee to city economy

27-30) Matching

27. Asian Bee—effective

28. Vanguard Bee—can be safety used in all equipment

29. Blue-ribbon Bee—available anywhere

30.  Bee—can be used in any condition

雅思听力大范围预测:Section Four

场景:垂直农业vertical farming—inside farming



31.农业的这个过程需要更多水和___The process on farm needs more water andirrigation.

32.种植庄稼还有运输需要很多的___,非常昂贵,不经济实惠 plant corps and transport which needs more oil, very pricy, not economical.

33. 主要的好处是增加了获得___的可能性 major advantage: the increase availability offood.

34.稳定的___是必须 Need constant temperature, which is a must.

35. 对于野生动物来说,___ 消失 ,野生动物数量减少To wildlife animals:Cause habitatlosses for wildlife animals,declined population

36.___里营养物质的减少 Loss of nutrient in the soil (同义替换 degradation)

37.室内种植或多或少(few or less)减少___的风险 ,不出现___reduce the risk of disease, not produce pesticides.

38.很大程度的水土流失是因为___造成的 great erosion was caused by floods

39. ___能源是可信赖的,solar energy is reliable(wind是干扰选项)

40…的种植需要特定的___ Plant of…need certain humidity




31. 16世纪被用作___ be used as money

32. 17世纪,被制作成___巧克力 be processed as liquid chocolate( solid干扰选项)

33.18世纪,Americans把___加到了巧克力里 Americans added sugar into chocolate

34.19世纪,调查者发现它对人的___有影响 researchers found it has impact on people’s mood

35. 第一出口大国是___ The top export to country is Italy(提示句:the sweet, sensuous flavor and feel of the beverage appealed greatly to the Italians…)

36. Sold in chocolate bar stored in stone tanks ware houses.

37. 农场里不同___的商店和工厂在...不同 shops or factories in farms of different sizesvary in…

38.选择非洲是因为更便宜的___And choose Africa because of cheaper labour (提示句:the manufacture chose that way because the cost is low)

39.对于非洲当地的___来说很重要 It’s important to local economy in Africa.

40.选择靠近___的地区为了方便运输 choose the site which is near the coast area for good transportation.

场景: 农业灌溉的脚踏水泵Treadle pump



31. 在干旱的季节,人们去___寻找有报酬的工资 They goes to cities look for paid jobs.

32. 他们农耕在In cool period进行灌溉


34. Plastic tube

35. 暂缺

36. diesel fuels

37.增加了轮子,addition to bamboo filter


38. 新的方便___和保持The new one is easy to store and maintenance

39. install

40. 只需要两天来___Only need two days for training.很容易生产,当地(local)生产就行

场景: 茶树油的历史和制作tea tree oil (Melaleuca Alternifolia)



31-35) Matching the people with correct incident

A. bring tea tree oil into Australia in 1770

B. challenge the benefit of tea tree oil

C. report the special eating habit in Australia

D. list plant species

E. study the tea tree oil

F. Saw Australian aborigines drink

G. use tea tree for medical treatment

31. Aborigines G

提示句:For thousands of years, Aborigines used the leaves traditionally for many medical purposes, including chewing the young leaves to alleviate headache and for other ailments

32. Dutch explorer C

33. Sir Hugh Palliser B

34.Captain James Cook F

提示句:tea trees ,also called paper bark trees, were named by captain James Cook, who first brewed a tea from the leaves soon after arriving at the coast of New South Wales in 1770.

35. Dr A.R. Penfold E

提示句:in 1920s, Dr. RA Penefold, a government chemist in Sydney, Australia, was credited for beginning the human clinical research and documentation of the many benefits associated with tea tree oil.

36-40) Sentence completion

36. 茶树在___的时候会储存油,聚集有用的物质 Tea tree will store oil during winteraccumulate the useful substance

37. 放树叶和___put leaves and stems

38. 水和油蒸发了后上升到储藏器的盖子 The water and the oil vapor rose up to thelid of the containers

39. 根据___的原则 according to the principle of gravity

40. 水会顺着管子流向___ the water will go to the tubes onto the ground

场景:介绍一位建筑大师 a student is introducing an “ architect’’



31-34) choose the correct letter

31.why dose the student choose this topic?

B. a local building is interesting当地的一个建筑有趣

C. he has interest in the experience of this architect.他对建筑家的经历感兴趣

32.why dose the architect take architecture as his career?

A. under the influence of his father.受他父亲的影响

B. he made the first wrong decision他做了错误的决定

C.he made the first wrong decision. 他做了第一个错误的决定

33.why did the man finally come back from London?


B. to get more business opportunities


C. win more respect.(易误选)

34. what is the architect famous for?


B.joined the association and become a chairman加入协会成为主席

C.he was pointed a head of royal association.他被任命为皇家协会的首领

场景:关于医院问卷调查总结(hospital condition及改善)



31-33) the major reasons for people choose one hospital选择一家医院的原因

31. transport is convenient.交通便利

32. the building should be clean( modern是陷阱)建筑干净

33. should provide some information to the patients给病人提供信息

34-37) the future plan for the hospital 医院的未来计划

34.help build new web page for local doctors and medical staffs为当地医生和相关职业人员建立新的网页

35. award staff with effective bonus.用额外的奖金奖励员工

36.help visitors …

37. effective assess communication from all levels(evaluation=assess)各部门间有效的沟通途径

38-39) 医院一个new unit will be built soon aim for the patients who are having 医院的一个新的部门的设立旨在

To cure patients with 38.sleep disturbance(睡眠紊乱)and also for 39.plasticsurgery patients services.(整形手术)

improvement suggests:

The hospital has many equipments, but it should improve 40. planning surgery.


场景:澳洲当代艺术及其艺术家和艺术品contemporary aboriginal designs



Ernabella arts

31. rugs made from wool(cotton是干扰)

the older women collected wool and took it away to their more familiar camp, and the others made floor -rugs in craft room.老妇人收集了羊毛并把它们带到了跟多的家庭露营中,剩下的人在手工室里制作了地毯

Tiwi design

32.设计师擅长bird imagines(natural干扰)

the early designs,…were inspired by the environment and incorporated fish, bird and lizard motifs.

33.design e.g..用于求雨 in symbol asking of rain

Bima wear

34.based on symbols, structures, family and nature

The fabrics produced at Bima wear feature the:…ancient symbols, structures ,family and environmental representations which are central to their culture.

Desert designs:Jimmy Pike

35.Jimmy Pike began his life as an design artist start in prison从监狱起家

…in Fremantle prison where he attended art classes taught by Steve Culley , a founder ,with David Wroth, of desert designs.

36.design can be used in making clothing.设计可以被用来制作衣服

37.灵感来源于Australia, especially the desert.

Desert designs is a commercial business which originated in western Australia in the 1980s.Many of their designs are created by an aboriginal man, jimmy Pike ,from the Kimberly region, his traditional land is the Walmajarri Great Sandy desert country.


Bronwyn Bancroft

38. Cathy Freeman’s jeans出名因为snake

the imagery is of snakes and lizards moving really quickly across the Australian terrain.Just as Cathy does, not only in Australia but on the world stage.


39.Fabric’s Background looks like a rainbow

in aboriginal tradition ,the rainbow Serpent is the creator.have also painted a rainbow background to show the optimism….


40.最后举例,讲一个年轻夫妇love命名为: the couple case.

场景:亚历山大图书馆introduction to Alexandria library



31. the first known library is different from other libraries in that

A. it aimed to contain books from around the world旨在保护全世界的书籍

B. it is ancient/old( 干扰选项,是另一个图书馆的信息)

C. its value for research对研究的价值

32. the Alexandria library was founded so that

A.only experts in Egypt to use 只供埃及的专家使用

B. the king could increase his knowledge国王可以增长知识

C.for all common people对所有人开放

33. when library doesn’t find any of their books outside the shop, the Egyptian government would?

A. Compensate for author to keep the original book 补偿作者

B. ask the author to sell the book让作者卖书

C. Copy the book and return the original book仿制书籍,把原来的书籍还回去

34.the Egyptian king failed to?

A. Fail to give deposit 没给押金

B. Fail to return the original book 没还书

C. Fail to pay off his debt.没还债

35-40) matching

A. Alexandria library

B. Egyptian government

C. Alexandria City Council

D. Egypt university

E. mayor Frederico

F. Mohammed Hosni Mubarak

G. foreign governments

H. Mastafa Abbadi

35.starting the construction of the new library

H.Mastafa Abbadi

the Egypt university’s principal

36.providing a site:

A. Alexandria library

37.requesting money from various countries

E. mayor Frederico

38.heading the International commission

F. Mohammed Hosni Mubarak

39.giving the equipment

G. foreign governments

40.providing the rest 120 million

B. Egyptian government




