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In the seminar the work on writing aims to improve

A. confidence.

B. speed.

C. clarity.


Student: Mm, that sounds good. What are some of the strategies that are presented? Officer: Well, we try to cover all aspects of study.Some of the strategies in writing, for example, wouldbe improving your planning for writing, organising your thinking and building some techniques to help you write more clearly „



Dr Merrywhether thinks Antarctica was part of another continent because (选自《剑7》Test 2 Listening Section 3)

A. he has done his own research in the area.

B. there is geological evidence of this.

C. it is very close to South America.


Interviewer: How old is Antarctica?

Doctor: We’re pretty sure it was part of a larger land mass but it broke away from the rest of the

continent 170 million years ago.

Interviewer: How can you be certain of this?

Doctor: „ because fossils and rocks have been discovered in Antarctica which are the same as those found in places such as Africa and Australia.


本题的正确答案是选项B,解题关键是考生能听出录音中的fossils and rocks和

选项B中的geological evidence属于同义替换。从语义上来说,这属于归纳总结性的词组同义替换,即录音中为举例,题目中出现的词汇为总结概括。很多考生在做这道题时都出现了错误,主要原因是把录音中的Africa and Australia听成了America,错选了选项C,或者即使听到了fossils and rocks,但没有将其理解为geological evidence的同义替换,结果选错了答案。

雅思听力考试的考查目的之一是培养考生多样化的语言表达能力,所以正确选项中往往不会出现原词重现的现象。所以,考生要知道“听到什么要慎选什么”的道理,不能在录音中听到什么就选什么。同时,考生还要明白雅思听力考试题目的题干和选项中出现的往往是学术词汇,而考生听到的录音则是口语化表达,所以结果就是复杂的题目词汇对应录音中简单的口语表达,比如本题中geological evidence是典型的学术用语,而与之对应的fossil和rock是相对简单的口语表达。考生了解了这一点,就需要在平时练习中多注意对学术词汇的认知性记忆,多训练对口语化词汇的反应敏感度。



23. The purpose of the Visitor’s Centre is to (选自《剑7》Test 2 Listening Section 3)

A. provide accommodation.

B. run training session.

C. show people what Antarctica is like.


Interviewer: Really? And what does the Visitor’s Centre offer?

Doctor: Well „ the Visitor’s Centre aims to recreate the atmosphere of Antarctica. There’s a mock camp

site where you can see inside an Antarctic tent and imagine yourself sleeping there „


不少考生听完这道题的录音后, 选出的答案是选项A 。原因是在录音中听到了选项A 中accommodation的同义词sleeping there。这些考生没有注意到录音中sleeping there前还有一个动词imagine。原文的意思是说想象你睡在里面,并非真的是让你睡进去。在这道题中,同义替换的出现也成了干扰选项。本题的正确答案是选项C。考生在答题时需注意题干中的关键词purpose,在这个词的提示下,考生在听录音时要重点听对话中表目的的内容。录音中是“the Visitor’s Centre aims to recreate the atmosphere of Antarctic”来表示访问中心的功能,这句话不但与“题干+正确选项”的用词不同,连句式表达也变了样:“„ aims to do sth.”变成了“The purpose of „ is to do sth.”。



1、解决:Solve, deal with, cope with, handle, resolve, address, tackle

2、损害:Damage, hurt, injure, harm, impair, undermine, jeopardize

3、给与:Give, offer, render, impart, provide, supply, afford

4、培养:Develop, cultivate, foster

5、优势:Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength

6、缺陷:Disadvantage, demerit, drawback, downside, weakness

7、使迷惑:Puzzle, bewilder, perplex, baffle

8、重要的:Key, crucial, critical, important, significant, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative

9、认为:Think, believe, insist, maintain, assert, conclude, deem, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced

10、保护:Protect, conserve, preserve

11、确保:Assure, ensure, guarantee, pledge

12、有害的:Bad, baneful evil, harmful, detrimental

13、要求:Request, demand, needs, requisition

14、消除:Eliminate, clear, remove, clear up, take away, smooth away

15、导致:Lead to, bring about, result in, cause, spark off, conduce to, procure, induce, generate

16、因此:So, therefore, thus, hence, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, as a result, because of this, as a result of this

17、增长至:Grow to, rise to, increase to, go up to, climb to, ascend to, jump to, shoot to

18、降低至:Dip to, fall to, decline to, decrease to, drop to, go down to, reduce to, slump to, descend to, sink to, slide to

19、保持稳定:Level out, do not change, remain stable, remain still, remain steady, be stable, maintain the same level, remain unchanged, be still, remain the same level, stay constant, keep at the same level, level off, stabilize, keep its stability, even out

20、急剧地:Dramatically, drastically, sharply, hugely, enormously, steeply, substantially, considerably, significantly, markedly, surprisingly, strikingly, radically, remarkably, vastly, noticeably



One year ago, a well-known intensive care physician announced that he just might have come across a cure for sepsis. This deadly reaction to infection kills around a quarter of a million people in the U.S. each year. It's the leading cause of death in hospitals. Scientists are now doing a new round of studies to see if that physician's treatment really does all he says it does. Meantime, some doctors have gone ahead and started using it on patients. NPR's Richard Harris reports.


RICHARD HARRIS, BYLINE: This story begins up in the Cascade Mountains. Last summer, 51-year-old Kristopher Kelly was doing what he loved to do, cutting timber.

KRISTOPHER KELLY: I was cutting for a logging outfit up on these rock cliffs, and I fell about a 150-foot fir tree into these maple trees. They had a bunch of dead tops.

We call them widow makers.

HARRIS: And when the top of the fir tree crashed into those maples, he says, the butt of the tree bounced back toward him.

KELLY: And I was against a rock cliff. I didn't have nowhere to go, and I got crushed.

HARRIS: He says the tree smashed his pelvis and broke all his ribs, 22 bone breaks in all.

KELLY: I heard the bones crunch when it got me. It was pretty crazy. I'd yell for a minute, and then I'd pass out. And I guess my ribs were ripping my lungs is the reason I was only, you know, in and out of consciousness.

HARRIS: It took a couple of hours before other men working in the woods found him. Kelly says he's amazed he even lived that long. But they managed to get him off the mountain and send him by medevac helicopter to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. And that, of course, was just the beginning of his medical journey.


KELLY: They had a bird cage, is what they call it. It's a metal apparatus that hold your pelvis together. And they put in - I've got a big piece of ready rod titanium keeping the hips together, a couple, four or five little titanium plates and about a little over a dozen, they look like sheet metal screws, keeping the bones all together.


HARRIS: One of the big risks from injuries like this is infection that can start on wounds on the skin, from inside the lungs or from internal injuries. Those infections can quickly turn to septic shock, and that often leads to death. David Carlbom was one of many doctors who treated Kelly. And, sure enough...

DAVID CARLBOM: The day I met him, he developed a very high fever along with shock.

HARRIS: Carlbom recognized the signs of sepsis. He's among dozens of physicians nationwide who have been experimenting with a new treatment for sepsis. It involves intravenous vitamin C, thiamine, steroids and antibiotics. Carlbom thought Kelly would be a good candidate. Kelly was by then in a medically induced coma.


CARLBOM: I discussed it with his son, and his son was very amenable. We talked about the fact that it's a new therapy, that there really wasn't very strong evidence but I felt there was not a ton of risk and that this could be beneficial.

HARRIS: How quickly did he respond?

CARLBOM: Usually patients are very sick for a few days before responding to antibiotics, and, him, it took about a day. His fever had cleared, and he was off the medicines to support his blood pressure and looked remarkably better.

HARRIS: Carlbom has used this cocktail in 26 patients to date, sometimes getting really rapid responses, other times, to no avail. And he's well aware that these are simply anecdotes, making it hard to know whether this combination is really effective.


CARLBOM: Could it just be that the antibiotics kill the bacteria really well-maybe.

But I also think it's possible that this impacted his care and changed his course.

HARRIS: Other doctors at Harborview are not so enthusiastic. Dr. Terri Hough, the clinical director at the hospital's intensive care unit, remembers the breathless first reports about this treatment.

TERRI HOUGH: It seemed like, great, look, someone thinks that they have a new miracle cure again.

HARRIS: There's a long history in this field of medicine where something appears to work great in one hospital but simply doesn't pan out in larger-scale studies. Hough read the original paper from Dr. Paul Marik in Norfolk, Va., and remained skeptical.

在某个医院,某些东西似乎很有效,但在更大规模的研究中却不适用,这在医学领域有着悠久的历史。Hough读了Paul Marik博士的论文在Norfolk、Va.,并保持怀疑态度。

HOUGH: To me, this isn't enough evidence to change my practice.

HARRIS: Someone making an extraordinary claim needs to have extraordinary evidence to back that up.

HOUGH: And I would certainly argue that what we've seen so far is not the highest level of evidence.

HARRIS: That said, she is eager to hear about the results from a number of carefully designed studies that are underway or soon to start. And in the meantime, Kristopher Kelly is still getting surgeries to mend his injuries and to, as he puts it, reconnect his plumbing.

也就是说,她渴望听到正在进行或即将开始的一些精心设计的研究的结果。同时,Kristopher Kelly还在手术来治愈自己的伤病,正如他所言,重新连接管道。

KELLY: In our industry, when you get - usually when something like this happens, you don't get a chance to be flown out or anything. It's just, you know, that's the end of that. But I'm lucky. Richard Harris, NPR News.


care physician 保健医生

is eager to 渴望

underway 在进行中

flown out 飞出

cocktail 鸡尾酒

antibiotic 抗生素

雅思听力机经预测section 1

雅思听力Section One

雅思听力场次 V05104

雅思听力场景 咨询

雅思听力题型 填空10

雅思听力内容概述 妇女新手咨询 Scuba diving 课程

1. 一女的要报游泳班

男的劝她先上 level of the beginning basic - or for beginners.

2. the month on July

3. on a Saturday

4. Initially, they will have indoor training.

5. 等学员学完课程,they will diving in a lake at a mountain.

6. Equipment : only need to buy diving mask.(学员什么都不用买,学校准备好了,不过那个女人觉得用自己 的 mask)

7. We also give homework every night.

8. Cost total: 75.50 一节课 and deposit of 110(第一天必须先交)

9. 问要填表的时候 registration number/ name on the form.

10. 如果需要更多信息,看 website

雅思听力Section One

雅思听力场次 V101010S1

雅思听力场景 工作咨询

雅思听力题型 填空10

雅思听力内容概述 美国小伙子打电话在英国果园工作

1. Visa type: blue card

2. work time from July to October

3. agency (先说的 website,小伙子很快的说 better through agency)

4. busiest time: September

5. picking date decided by harvest(应该是 weather)

6. over 18ys old salary:6.50

7. accommodation: campsite

8. work by: bike

9. must work with passport

10. should bring own lunch and supply of water

雅思听力Section One

雅思听力场次 NEW

雅思听力场景 找暑期工作

雅思听力题型 填空10

雅思听力内容概述 在农场找暑期兼职工作,有 fruit picking,packaging 两种工作,中介绍了每种工作的要求和工资


2.需要的技能:can use a ladder

3.can work under hot condition

4. must have good concentration

5. 摘果子薪金:$4.5/bucket

6. cannot work it if it in raining

7. Packaging 工资:$13.75 per hour

8. 最忙的时间 January(有两个干扰分别是二月和十一月)

9. 住宿的地方会提供:laundry

10. Transport:即使没有 car,也要有 bike

雅思听力Section One

雅思听力场次 NEW

雅思听力场景 咨询

雅思听力题型 填空&表格

雅思听力内容概述 垃圾回收信息

1. Garbage collection 的时间是:Tuesday,

2. 收垃圾的时间是 8.15

3. 装食物用的可降解塑料袋在 grocery stores 可以买到

4. Any TV 不能回收

5. 垃圾按照不同的 categories 分类

6. Egg cartons 属于可回收

7.Juice bottles

8. 回收之前要 remove the labels

9. Pizza boxes

10. 在网上提供 map

雅思听力Section One

雅思听力场次 待定

雅思听力场景 酒店订房咨询

雅思听力题型 填空10

雅思听力内容概述 预订海滨酒店

1. address: 61/71, KVIUA

2. March

3. nationalities: Canadian and Australian, total 7 persons

4. don’t ask for kitchen

5. need restaurant

6.最贵的房间 maximum price: $120

7. parents-in-law 房间希望有 good sea view

8. don’t mind the shared bathroom

9. guests can watch the birds

10. special requirement of the helicopter trip air view-photos

雅思听力Section One

雅思听力场次 NEW

雅思听力场景 求职咨询

雅思听力题型 填空10

雅思听力内容概述 一个人问朋友申请乘务员职位的信息

1. 联系人:Sarah Meehan

2. Recruit

3. 日期:9 October

4. basic requirements: English and maths

5. occasional night shifts

6. good vision

7. helping customers

8. preparing food

9. cultural awareness

10. the training lasts 6 month



