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To join the Centre, you need to book an instructor’s…( 剑桥真题 6 Test 1 Section 1 Question 9 )本题答案: assessment(评估)。

原文录音: Well, we book you in for an assessment with an instructor, who will show you how to use all the equipment.

破题密码: 本题题干中的关键词为 instructor,但听力原文中的instructor却在答案后出现。很多学生听到这个单词的时候,回忆不出前一个考点为assessment,失分率超过半数。


Students need a front door key between …AND… ( 剑桥真题 2 Test 2 Section 2 Question 15 )

原文录音: This door is closed and locked at 8 pm every night and opened again at 7am. You’ll need your key if you’re coming back to the college between those times.

破题密码: 本题题干中的关键词为need + key,但听力原文中的need your key却在答案后出现。很多学生听到这两个单词的时候,才意识到“过了”。而且答案还和关键词“距离”有点远,这无疑给考生得分形成了更大的障碍。要完全答对,需要极好的“大脑内存”,把前面所提到的答案回忆出来。小站君建议如果考生能够在审题上下好功夫,事先预测出应该填时间,就算没注意关键词,也能重点抓住这部分录音中的时间信息。


The first motion picture was called The…( 剑桥真题 6 Test 1 Section 1 Question 9 )本题答案: Great Train Robbery(大型火车抢劫案)。

原文录音: So now there was a real possibility of having films of more than two or three minutes, and this led to the making of The Great Train Robbery — the very first movie made.

破题密码: 本题题干中的关键词为first motion picture,但听力原文中的first movie却在答案后出现。很多学生听到Great Train Robbery这个答案时,根本没有意识到这是一部电影名字,等听到关键词first movie时,才知道自己“过了”,由于本题答案较长,难度系数也较高,所以本题答对的考生不到十分之一。


Research indicates that many women only think about their financial future when a …occurs.( 剑桥真题 5 Test 1 Section 4 Question 36 )本题答案: crisis(危机)。

原文录音: The research indicates that at present for women it takes a crisis to make them think about their future financial situation.

破题密码: 本题题干中的关键词为financial,但听力原文中的financial却在答案后出现。还有一个考核重点就是:这个考题还结合了句式结构的改变,对于英语基础不够扎实的考生,很难反应出句子的框架,而且本题答案拼写要求较高,所以设置的难度系数也较高,导致本题答对的考生不到五分之一。句式转换: When a … occurs(当。。。发生时)← 对应 → it takes a …to …(需要发生。。。才。。。)


例1 剑6 Test 4 Qs 28‐30

Which three topics do this term’s study skills workshops cover?

A An introduction to the Internet

B How to carry out research for a dissertation

C Making good use of the whole range of library services

D Planning a dissertation

E Standard requirements when writing a dissertation

F Using the Internet when doing research

G What books and technical resources are available in the library

思路透析:雅思听力的多选题多为5选2或7选3, 此题为后者。乍一看此题,有种蒙的感觉,因为选项较多,对于学员的快速阅读能力提出了一定的挑战。但是我们必须要冷静,要潜心发现其中的规律,把雅思考题当成一种游戏,好比是高中学过的合并同类项一样好玩。经过分析我们发现,选项A, F都牵扯到Internet, 可以归为一类;选项B, D, E都与Dissertation有关,归为第二类;选项C, G中都有Library, 归为第三类。



1)首先出现了library这个定位词,那么经历主要集中在C, G上。


How to use the library’s resources. That includes everything, not just the print and the technical resources.

解题:通过同义转换可以得到答案C或者G选项所包含的technical resources被否定了,排除后也可以选择正确选项为C。

2)紧接着出现Internet这个定位词,马上把注意力转移到A, F上。


The one on the Internet for beginners was last term. This term it’s finding research materials online.

解题:beginner 与 introduction 形成同义转换,但是时间点为上学期,作为干扰项排除后正确答案为F。

3)最后出现了dissertation这个定位词,那么B, D, E三选一就开始了。


It’s a workshop on dissertation. What do you mean? How to write one? Er, no, it’s to do with academic writing conventions.

解题:文中问到,是怎么写一篇论文吗?回答不是的。故可以排除B, D, 因为这两个选项是属于如何写论文的,这样就可以得到正确答案E. 或者把writing conventions与standard requirements做同义转换也可。看过多选题后,我们再来看一个单选题的例子:

例2 剑7 Test 4 Q 32

In 1908, scientists in Japan

A made monosodium glutamate

B began using kombu

C identified glutamate

思路透析:典型的雅思3选1单选题。经过审题后发现,A, C选项都为动词加名词的结构,而且名词都是glutamate, 故这两个选项里出正确答案的几率很高。



原文:...was actually discovered to be glutamate by scientists working there

解题:discover 与 identify形成同义转换,答案为C。



例1 剑7 Test 4 Q 12

The original buildings on the site were

A houses

B industrial buildings

C shops


实际做题:在实际做题中,当听到used to be...这个表达方式的时候就应该有所警觉,做题位置到了。


There used to be a lot of factories in this area until 1960s. Creating the park required the demolition of lots of derelict buildings on the site, so most of the exciting park space all around you was originally warehouses and storehouses.

解题:无论是used to be 或者是originally 都可以跟original 形成同意转换,而其后的名词 factories,warehouses and storehouses 都可以与industrial buildings呼应,故答案为B。而在上述描述中我们可以看出来现在这块地是一个公园,这只是干扰项而已。

例2 剑5 Test 2 Q 11

In 1993 Dan Pearman went to Ecuador

A as a tourist guide

B as part of his studies

C as a voluntary worker



I went there in 1993 just after graduating from university. After three years of studying, I wanted adventure. I loved travelling, so I decided to join a voluntary organization and was sent to Ecuador to carry out land surveys.

解题:1993后紧跟着after graduating from university,所以马上排除B选项。而后面发现有voluntary organization,故确定答案为C。

例3 剑7 Test 3 Q 16

The Samira region has a long tradition of

A making carpets

B weaving blankets

C carving wood

思路透析:虽然此题不像上面两题有非常清晰的时间指示词,但是题干中long tradition of带有明显的“过去”时间指示特点,从而判断干扰项为现在这个地区以作什么为特色。实际做题:以选项中的各个名词为定位点


The area has been famous for centuries for making beautiful carpets, although recently there has been a trend to move into weaving blanket and wood carving.

解题:has been famous for centuries 与 has a long tradition 形成同意转换,故正确答案为A。而B, C两个选项紧跟recently这个时间状语,符合干扰项的特点,故加以排除。

总结: 小站君分析认为,其实时间限定词很多,包括明确限定和隐性限定两类。明确限定:具体年代、now、past、future、use to、original、originally、soon、

so far、recently、current、currently、soon等;隐性限定:比如例二中的long tradition之类的表达方式或者是时间状语从句。善于发现和利用这样的限定词对解题帮助很大。


例4 剑2 Test 4 Q 35

The most common type of road rage incident involved

A damage to property

B personal violence

C verbal abuse

思路透析:此题题干中出现了most common这种表示频率的词,那么势必出现road rage的种.种表现作为干扰项,而我们要等的是最为普遍的一种形式的同意转换。



Well, as you can see, 93% of respondents had had some kind of problem. A surprisingly large percentage‐24% had had their car damaged in some way, but the main type of incident was being shouted at‐79% had experienced that. 15% had experienced violence on their own persons... they’d actually been hit by someone.

解题:正如我们所料,出现了violence和damage等road rage的表现形式作为干扰项,而我们所需要的是把most common 和main type做同意转换,进而得到答案C。

例5 剑2 Test 3 Q 8

The respondents feels that adverts should occur every

A 10 minutes

B 15 minutes

C 20 minutes


实际做题:听到how often 这个问题时确定做题位置。


Well out of that list I’d say every quarter of an hour. I don’t think we can complain about that, as long as they don’t last for ten minutes each time!


总结: 小站君在此提醒考生们,当题目中出现表示频率的词时要加以注意,这样的词通常包括:frequency, frequent, frequently, common, commonly, usual, usually, average, averagely, every ...minutes等。


例6 剑6 Q 33

Asiatic lions disappeared from Europe

A 2500 years ago

B 2000 years ago

C 1900 years ago


实际做题:原文 However, Europe saw its last Asiatic lion roaming free two thousand years ago. Over the next nineteen hundred years the numbers of Asiatic lions in other areas declined steadily, but it was only in the nineteenth century that they disappeared from everywhere in India.

解题: 1900年这个选项是跟着印度的,故排除。2000年是跟着欧洲出现的,故答案为B。



例6 剑3 Test 3 Q37

Ostrich meat

A. has more protein than beef

B. Tastes nearly as good as beef

C. is very filling



原文:Ostrich meat is slightly higher in protein than beef, and much lower in fats and cholesterol. It tastes good too. A series of European taste tests found that 82% of people prefer ostrich to beef.


例7 剑4 Test 4 Q14

On Travelite holidays, people holidaying alone pay

A. the same as other clients

B. only a little more than other clients

C. extra only if they stay in a large room




We also pride ourselves on our friendly service, particularly important for the increasing numbers of people who choose to holiday alone. Unlike almost all travel operators who happily charge large supplements for single room, we guarantee that no single client will pay more, even when only double rooms are available for them.

解题:unlike一句表示与其他旅行机构进行对比,我们保证不多收钱,注意这里pay more前面有否定词no, 这样会加大反应和解题的难度,多数学员听到pay more就去选择B了,这样很可惜。Even一句更是强调了无论什么情况都不加钱,排除C。正确


例8 剑6 Test 4 Q34

Very few African lions have

A. a long mane

B. a coat with varied colors

C. a fold of skin on their stomach

思路透析:虽然题干与选项中都没有明显的比较关系,但是纵观上下题目即可发现,本文重点讲的就是Asiatic lions和African lions的对比。



The color is more or less the same, but the appearance of the mane is different‐that’s the hair around the lion’s face and neck. The Asiatic lion’s mane is noticeably shorter than the African lion’s. Asiatic lions also have a long fold of skin on their undersides, whereas not many African lions have that.

解题:颜色more or less the same, 故排除B。African lion 的mane比Asiatic的长,排除A。通过最后一句转折中的not many与few形成同意转换得到答案C。此题难点在于比较的主体两种狮子的前后顺序变化要注意,并且题干中本身带有few这样的否定词汇,又增加了难度。

