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Customer Services Director

0 Our client is well known as a producer of branded products in the home

00 improvement sector. The business is experiencing a period of such significant

34 volume and profit growth and as a result is now looking to appoint itself a

35 Customer Services Director. This position involves in reporting directly to the

36 Managing Director and key responsibilities include the control and development

37 of the process for ordering goods. While through the management and

38 motivation of twenty staff, you will be seen the focal point of managing

39 customers' expectations, from keeping them up to date at all times with the

40 progress of their orders. This role is a challenging one and calls for an individual

41 with those top-level interpersonal and communication skills and a good

42 understanding of process management. In return for the company offers the

43 right candidate with a highly competitive salary and benefits package. Assistance

44 with relocation expenses, if appropriate, that is also available. If you feel you have

45 the qualifications for this exciting role and are looking for a challenge, please write in confidence to:

这篇文章是一则招聘启事,招的是客户服务总监(customer services director)。简单介绍了一下公司的情况以及这个工作的职责。


35题,involve doing,in多余,这是常见的地道的表述。看个例句:What do research jobs involve doing?



38题,be和seen在这里谓语动词重复了,必须去掉一个。从意思上看,是说你可以成为什么,而不是你可以看见什么。所以用you will be,seen多余。

39题,keeping them up to date …..现在分词作伴随状语,是对前面的补充说明。介词from在这里是多余的。



42题,in return是固定搭配,表示相应的,反过来,for多余

43题,offer sb. sth固定搭配,with多余。offer与with搭配时是offer sth. with sb.

44题,中间的if appropriate是插入语,可以不予考虑,整个句子就是assistance with relocation expenses是主语,is是谓语,后面是宾语,主谓宾都很齐全,that是多余的

45题,正确。这一行有个词组,in confidence,是in secrecy的意思。


Human Resources Policy

CBA Bank was the largest financial institution to sign the employers' 'People Come First' code of practice in the early 1990s. In doing so, it committed itself to the highest (0) in human resources practices such as the communication of company(19)....... to employees, the setting of individual training and personal (20).......plans, and the holding of regular performance (21)....... for all staff.

Like other organisations, CBA is replacing the traditional hierarchy with a flatter organisational structure which gives employees more broadly defined (22) .......within the company. The change is offering employees greater opportunities for work in cross-disciplinary project teams. As a result, interpersonal (23) ....... are extremely important.

The policy seems to be working. There is a great deal of goodwill among employees, who (24).......the fact that customer satisfaction is the organisation's chief aim. CBA claims to pursue this aim for its own (25)....... , rather than as a means of earning profits for shareholders.

An ability to relate to all kinds of people is the most important attribute CBA looks for in (26).......recruits. Graduates are (27)....... for a two-year period and exposed to all (28)....... of retail financial services. By the end of this training period, they will have taken their Institute of Banking examination and, if they have (29)....... their performance targets, they will have (30)....... a job at the bank.

'On the whole, we are not looking for people straight out of college,' says human resources manager Maiy Kemp. 'We would prefer that they had (31).......some experience of life and had taken a year out between school and college to travel or do some kind of work.'

The company has recently introduced a new policy on pay, and it is now (32) performance through bonus schemes, with the objective being to (33) ....... employees for their achievements and effort.

19 A designs B purposes C ends D objectives

20 A continuation B extension C development D advancement

21 A reviews B trials C revisions D judgements

22 A capacities B parts C roles D elements

23 A abilities B talents C assets D skills

24 A recommend B honour C respect D obey

25A sake B reason C behalf D cause

26 A expected B intended C potential D eventual

27 A taken on B written in C put on D drawn in

28 A fields B areas C regions D parts

29 A arrived B done C passed D met

30 A secured B reached C confirmed D fixed

31 A gained B won C earned D realised

32 A attached B linked C combined D joined

33 A return B reward C recompense D refund

《Human Resource Policy》,人力资源政策。主要是讲的CBA银行的人力资源政策,。先简单介绍了这个银行的管理结构,是扁平化的组织结构(flatter organizational structure),而不是等级制公司(hierarchy)。总体原则是不招应届的刚出校门的毕业生,而要有一定的生活经验或者是工作经验。

第19、20、21题,这几空都是举例说明前面提到的human resources practices。19空是说的将公司的发展目标传达给员工。公司目标,用objective。purpose是指具体做某件事情的意图。这里有必要区分一下objective和purpose,看英文解释。

purpose: the reason you do something, and the thing you want to achieve when you do it

objective: something that you are working hard to achieve, especially in business or politics

第20题,个人培训和发展计划的制定。个人发展计划,personal development plans,选C。

第21题,定期的表现回顾。用review。hold在这个句子里是举行的意思。the holding of regular performance review,定期举行员工的表现回顾。

第22题,说扁平化的组织结构可以给员工更加定义广泛的角色。broadly defined roles,选C。

第23题,人际交往技巧是很重要的。interpersonal skills,是地道的说法。参见一个例句:you will need good interpersonal skills.

第24题,这一句的意思很好理解,是说员工们越来越看重或者说是承认一个事实:顾客的满意是组织的主要目标。recommend是推荐、建议,后面不接the fact(事实),honour是敬重,obey是遵守,这里应该选择respect。respect这里是重视或者接受的意思,看英英词典上的解释:to accept that something which is established or formally agreed is right or important and not to attempt to change it or harm it。所以这一空应该选择respect the fact,表示接受这个事实。

第25题,CBA银行追求这个目的是为着自己的利益,而不是为股东挣利润的工具。for the sake of something 或 for something's sake:for the purpose of; in the interest of; in order to achieve or preserve 为了…目的;为了…的利益;为了。。。固定用法,选A。

第26题,寻找潜在的新成员。地道的词是potential,比如potential recruits, potential staff, potential candidates.

第27题,考察的是短语take on的一个用法,雇佣:If you take someone on, you employ them to do a job.;write in:to write a letter to a newspaper, television company or other organization, to state an opinion or ask something以群众来信的形式表达的意见。


第29题,完成目标,met the targets。

第30题,完成了目标就可以得到工作。secure:to get possession of; acquire:

第31题,招的人已经具有了一定的生活经验。gain:to obtain something that is useful, that gives you an advantage, or that is in some way positive, especially over a period of time

eg: After you've gained some experience teaching abroad you can come home and get a job.

第32题,薪酬现在和业绩挂钩。link to,联系。

第33题,reward sb.奖励某人。reward employees for their achievements and effort,因为功劳而奖励员工。



Next month a large group of British business people are going to America on a venture which may generate export earnings for their companies' shareholders in years to come. A long list of sponsors will support the initiative, which will involve a £3-million media campaign and a fortnight of events and exhibitions. The ultimate goal is to persuade more Americans that British companies have something to interest them.

While there have been plenty of trade initiatives in the past, the difference this time round is that considerable thinking and planning have gone into trying to work out just what it is that Americans look for in British products. Instead of exclusively promoting the major corporations, this time there is more emphasis on supporting the smaller, more unusual, niche businesses.

Fresh in the memories of all those concerned is the knowledge that America has been the end of many a large and apparently successful business. For Carringtons, a retail group much respected by European customers and investors, America turned out to be a commercial disaster and the belief that they could even show some of the great American stores a retailing trick or two was hopelessly over-optimistic.

Polly Brown, another very British brand that rode high for years on good profits and huge city confidence, also found that conquering America, in commercial and retailing terms, was not as easy as it had imagined. When it positioned itself in the US as a niche, luxury brand, selling shirts that were priced at $40 in the UK for $125 in the States, the strategy seemed to work. But once its management decided it should take on the middle market, this success rapidly drained away. It was a disastrous mistake and the high cost of the failed American expansion plans played a large role in its declining fortunes in the mid-nineties.

Sarah Scott, managing director of Smythson, the upmarket stationer, has had to think long and hard about what it takes to succeed in America and she takes it very seriously indeed. 'Many British firms are quite patronising about the US,' she says. They think that we're so much more sophisticated than the Americans. They obviously haven't noticed Ralph Lauren, an American who has been much more skilled at tapping into an idealised Englishness than any English company. Also, many companies don't bother to study the market properly and think that because something's successful in the UK, it's bound to be successful over there. You have to look at what you can bring them that they haven't already got. On the whole, American companies are brilliant at the mass, middle market and people who've tried to take them on at this level have found it very difficult.'

This time round it is just possible that changing tastes are running in Britain's favour. The enthusiasm for massive, centralised retail chains has decreased. People want things with some sort of individuality; they are fed up with the banal, middle-of-the-road taste that America does so well. They are now looking for the small, the precious, the 'real thing', and this is precisely what many of the companies participating in the initiative do best.

13 The main reason that the British business people are going to America is to

A encourage American consumers to buy their products.

B analyse how American companies attract media coverage.

C look for financial backing from American investors and banks.

D investigate how British and American companies could form partnerships.

14 In the writer's opinion, the proposed venture will be different to previous ones because

A fewer British business leaders will be making the trip.

B less well-known companies will be better represented.

C the larger companies have decided they will not be participating.

D it involves research into how British companies market themselves.

15 The writer states that Carringtons was wrong to

A be cautious about trading in America.

B borrow money from its European investors.

C assume it was superior to American rivals.

D ignore the advice of its American managers.

16 According to the writer, Polly Brown's mistake occurred when it

A continued to trade despite making a loss.

B attempted to attract a different type of customer.

C tried to break into too many markets at the same time.

D expected American consumers to pay British prices for goods.

17 Sarah Scott states that British companies hoping to succeed in America should

A focus on a gap in the market.

B be less concerned with their image.

C concentrate on selling products in the mid-price range.

D carry out research into the pricing policies of American companies.

18 The writer suggests that success in America depends upon

A adopting a more American approach to marketing.

B persuading the mid-range consumer to pay for quality.

C copying the strategies of American companies.

D building a reputation as a supplier of unique goods.

《British companies across the Atlantic》,跨洋英国公司。有一批在本土干的不错的英国公司,雄心勃勃的要在大洋彼岸的美国去大展拳脚,结果遭遇了滑铁卢。文章根据这些公司的经验和教训,说明了去海外开拓市场的注意事项。

13题,问英国商人去美国的主要原因是什么。答案是第一段的最后一句话:The ultimate goal is to persuade more Americans that British companies have something to interest them.终极目标是是更多的美国人信服英国公司有可以吸引他们的地方。说的这么婉转动听,其实意思就是:要美国人买他们英国人的产品。答案是A。ultimate goal可以对应于main reason。

14题,说在作者的观点里,所推荐的企业(proposed是recommended的意思)不同于上次的一批,原因是什么。答案是第二段的最后的一句:Instead of exclusively promoting the major corporations, this time there is more emphasis on supporting the smaller, more unusual, niche businesses.这次的重点更多的在于支持规模小一些的特色企业,而不是单独促进大公司。也就是说这次和上次的区别在于重点扶植的对象不同。选B:less well-known companies will be better represented。不那么出名的一些公司将得到更好的展现。represented在这里的意思是be present to a particular degree.看一个例句:Abstraction is well represented in this exhibition.

15题,问作者认为Carringtons错误的地方在哪。答案是第三段的最后一句:the belief that they could even show some of the great American stores a retailing trick or two was hopelessly over-optimistic.认为自己可以给一些大的美国商店玩一下连锁的戏法,结果杯具了。也就是答案C所说的认为他们强于美国对手。Show some of the great American stores a retailing trick是关键点,理解了这个就好做出答案。

16题,问依作者之见,Polly Brown的错误在什么时候发生的。答案在第四段,前面说当这个公司将自己定位于一个特殊的奢侈品牌时,战略似乎是奏效的。但是当管理层决定去攻占中级市场时,成功的果实很快被榨干了。所以答案是B:试图去吸引一个不同类型的消费群体。a different type of customer可以对应于take on the middle market。take on在这里是occupy的意思。

17题,问Sarah Scott说英国公司要想在美国成功必须怎么样,答案在第五段。这个人在第五段前面讲了很多英国公司的缺点,比如自以为是。最关键的句子是这么一个:You have to look at what you can bring them that they haven't already got.给他们带来他们现在还没有得到的一些东西。也就是说要填补现有市场上的一些空白。选A。

18题,在美国成功取决于什么。答案在第六段。说人们需要有一点个性的东西,而这正好是从事于这个领域的很多公司可以做的。答案选D:建立一个独特商品提供者的名声。unique goods是关键词,可以对应things with some sort of individuality。


1 Genuine feedback would release resources to be used elsewhere.

2 Managers are expected to enable their staff to work effectively.

3 Experts are unlikely to facilitate a move to genuine feedback.

4 There are benefits when methods of evaluating performance have been negotiated.

5 Appraisals tend to focus on the nature of the face-to-face relationship between employees and their line managers.

6 The idea that employees are responsible for what they do seems reasonable.

7 Despite experts’ assertion, management structures prevent genuine feedback

8 An increasing amount of effort is being dedicated to the appraisal process.


Performance appraisal is on the up and up. It used to represent the one time of year when getting on with the work was put on hold while enormous quantities of management hours were spent in the earnest ritual of rating and ranking performance. Now the practice is even more frequent. This of course makes it all the more important how appraisal is conducted. Human resources professionals claim that managers should strive for objectivity and thus for feedback rather than judgement. But the simple fact of the matter is that the nature of hierarchy distorts the concept of feedback because performance measure are conceived hierarchically. Unfortunately, all too many workers suffer from the injustices that this generates.


The notion behind performance appraisal- that workers should be held accountable for their performance-is plausible. However, the evidence suggests that the premise is wrong. Contrary to assumptions appraisal is not an effective means of performance improvement- it is judgement imposed rather than feedback, a judgement imposed by the hierarchy. Useful feedback , on the other hand, would be information that told both the manager and worker how well the work system functioned, and suggested ways to make it better.


Within the production system at the car manufacturer Toyota, there is nothing that is recognizable as performance appraisal. Every operation in the system has an associated measure. The measure has been worked out between the operators and their manager. In every case, the measure is related to the purpose of the work. That measure is the basis of feedback to the manager and worker alike. Toyota’s basic idea is expressed in the axiom “bad news first” . Both managers and workers are psychologically safe in the knowledge that it is the system- not the worker –that is the primary influence on performance. It is management’s responsibility to ensure that the workers operate in a system that facilitates their performance.


In many companies , performance appraisal springs from misguided as assumptions. To judge achievement, managers use date about each worker’s activity, not an evaluation of the process or system’s achievement of purpose. The result is that performance appraisal involves managers’ judgement overruling their staff’s, ignoring the true influences on performance. Thus the appraisal experience becomes a question of pleasing the boss, particularly in meetings, which is psychologically unsafe and socially driven, determining who is “in” and who is “ out”.


When judgement is replaced by feedback in the true sense, organizations will have a lot more time to devote to their customers and their business. No time will be wasted in appraisal . This requires a fundamental shift in the way we think about the organization of performance appraisals, which almost certainly will not be forthcoming from the human resources profession.


第一题,说真正的反馈可以释放用在别处的资源。意思上真正的反馈可以让人腾出精力。答案是E段的第一句:When judgement is replaced by feedback in the true sense, organizations will have a lot more time to devote to their customers and their business。这题的意思还算比较明显,feedback in the true sense,就是genuine feedback,devote to their customers and the business,就是把资源释放在别的地方。

第二题,说经理们是被期望着使员工工作得更有效率。答案是C段的最后一句:It is management’s responsibility to ensure that the workers operate in a system that facilitates their performance.经理们的责任,也就是managers are expected to,有利于他们的表现,就是enable their staff to work effectively。

第三题,说专家不大可能有利于真正反馈的进程。答案是E段的最后一句:which almost certainly will not be forthcoming from the human resources profession。人力资源专家,就是experts。需要理解下这里的forthcoming的含义:willing to divulge information. (人)愿意透露消息的。专家们不愿意透露消息,也就是不能指望专家来facilitate。

第四题,说商讨评估表现的方法是有利的。答案是在C段,有点分散。前面说The measure has been worked out between the operators and their manager。这个措施是在操作者和经理们之间拟定的。between the operators and managers,也就是评估表现的方法是被商讨了的。后面介绍的情况都是这个measure有多么的好:is the basis of feedback。综合起来,就是选项说的,商讨是有好处的。

第五题,说评估倾向聚焦于员工和他们直属经理们之间面对面关系的性质。这个选项可能会弄的人一头雾水,首先得弄明白这里的面对面关系指的是什么。员工和直属经理的关系,就是上下级的关系,过分看重这个关系,那么在评估过程中就会有顾虑,谁还敢揭自己上司的短?所以这个句子的意思是说评估过程中有顾忌,无人敢说真话。答案是D段的这么一句:Thus the appraisal experience becomes a question of pleasing the boss。评估过程成了讨好自己的老板,说的就是这个意思。


第六题,说员工对他们所作负责的想法听起来很合理。答案是B段的第一句:The notion behind performance appraisal- that workers should be held accountable for their performance-is plausible。这里的accountable就是负有责任。Plausible是貌似真实的,也就是seems reasonable。

第七题,说虽然有专家们的主张,管理层的结构阻止了真正的反馈。答案是A段的这么一句:the simple fact of the matter is that the nature of hierarchy distorts the concept of feedback。管理层的机构,就是这句里提到的the nature of hierarchy,等级制的性质。这个单词在BEC阅读里常出现。distort,扭曲,就是选项里的prevent。

第八题,说在评估过程中投入了更多的努力。答案是A段的这么一句,有点隐晦:Now the practice is even more frequent. This of course makes it all the more important how appraisal is conducted.这个句子是紧跟上文的,the practice指的就是appraisal。评估的更频繁,评估是怎么进行的显得更加重要。认为更加重要了(makes it all the more important),就会投入更多努力了。综合起来,这些的意思就是评估过程投入了更多的努力。不太容易看出来。


1 This businessman has successfully targeted a different group of consumers.

2 With careful forward planning, this businessman is helping the company survive a difficult period.

3 The company is now more open to change because of this businessman's way of thinking.

4 This businessman has made and implemented certain decisions despite opposition to them.

5 This businessman has achieved some success by misleading people about his intentions.

6 The abilities of this businessman were previously doubted by the company that employs him.

7 This businessman is admired for his ability to manage a number of business interests.

'Businessman of the Year' Award

A James King: Chief Executive of Fentons Finance

King was nominated for the quality of his leadership, with the judges claiming that the Fentons Finance boss is almost revered by his team. He is credited with reinventing Fentons Finance - revitalising its culture of inflexibility, removing outdated pre-merger barriers and playing a brilliant tactical game. He led everyone to believe he was opposed to large mergers and then jumped on the Westcombe Bank opportunity at just the right moment. History will be the judge, but for now the markets consider King to be a star.

B Keith Nash: Chief Executive of Hamley's Supermarkets

Nash took over as CEO when Hamley's systems and distribution were out of date and the brand badly needed freshening up. He began refocusing the brand at the higher quality end of the food market and launched several own-brand initiatives for the health conscious. As a result, the share price has gone up nearly 80 per cent. This should be extremely satisfying for Nash, who had left the retailer in 1986, disappointed after failing to secure the top job.

C Jorge Marquez: Chairman of the Kenwick Group

Marquez was a popular choice for his achievements at Kenwick. The judges say he has been courageous in pushing through the appointment of controversial or inexperienced chief executives to companies within the group, and then sponsoring them as they transformed their businesses. He operates as a 'virtual' chairman, without a permanent office in any one company. He phones his CEOs regularly, and several of them have acknowledged the vital contribution he makes to their effectiveness. Everyone is impressed at how he also finds the time to be chairman of two other large companies.

D Richard Jenkins: Finance Director of Centron Advertising

Labouring in the shadow of a high-profile boss can sometimes draw attention away from the finance director, and the judges considered it was high time Jenkins got that attention. The CEO may be the public face of Centron, but Jenkins is the one who makes it run smoothly. Behind the scenes, he is constantly demonstrating that budgets and forecasts are what is needed to make a company successful, particularly now that the advertising market has been hit by recession. It is largely thanks to him that Centron is in much better shape than its rivals.

《‘Businessman of the Year' Award》年度企业家奖。分别介绍了这个奖项的四个候选人的英雄事迹。

第一题,这个企业家成功的定位了不同的消费群体。答案在B段:He began refocusing the brand at the higher quality end of the food market and launched several own-brand initiatives for the health conscious。他开始将品牌定位在高质量的食品市场并且发起了几项注重健康的自主品牌的运动。Health conscious是指注重健康的。一个是高质量的食品市场,一个是注重健康的,联合起来,就是瞄准了不同的消费市场,即不同的消费群体。

第二题,通过小心的前进计划,这个企业家帮助公司度过了一个困难时期。答案是D段的这么一句:budgets and forecasts are what is needed to make a company successful, particularly now that the advertising market has been hit by recession.。预算和预告正是使得公司可以成功的,尤其当现在整个广告市场被衰退袭击的时候。Budgets and forecast就是题干中说的careful forward planning,successful对应于survive,a different period对应于the market has been hit by recession。

第三题,因为这个企业家的思维方式,公司对待变化更加开明了。答案是A段的这么一句:He is credited with reinventing Fentons Finance - revitalising its culture of inflexibility。他以重塑了Fentons Finance而受到嘉奖——给了固定守旧的文化以新的生命。more open to change就可以对应于revitalising its culture of inflexibility。revitalising是give new life to的意思。

第四题,尽管有反对意见,这个企业家还是制定并执行了某些决定。答案是C段的这么一句:he has been courageous in pushing through the appointment of controversial or inexperienced chief executives to companies within the group在推动某些争议性的或者是经验不足的执行官的任命时他很有勇气。从controversial和courageous可以看出来,这些任命时不完全被接受的,有反对意见(opposition),但他还是坚持了。

第五题,这个企业家通过让人们误会自己的意图而取得某些成功。答案是A段的这么一句:He led everyone to believe he was opposed to large mergers and then jumped on the Westcombe Bank opportunity at just the right moment他让所有人相信他是反对大的并购的,然后在最佳时期跳上Westcombe银行的机会(即收购了这个银行)。let everyone believe,也就是misleading people about his intentions。

第六题,这个企业家的能力最初在雇佣他的公司里受到了怀疑。答案是B段最后一句,稍微隐晦点:This should be extremely satisfying for Nash, who had left the retailer in 1986, disappointed after failing to secure the top job.因为无法得到高层的职位而失望离开,结果因为他的决策,公司股价上升了,让他很满足。意思就是本来以这个人的能力是可以胜任高层的工作的,但是他却没有得到。

第七题,这个企业家因为处理一些商业利益的能力而受到仰慕。答案在C段。C段最后说这个人在不同的公司担任要职(be chairman),不同的公司会有商业利益的冲突,而他却能好好处理(manage),所以答案选C。

